Chapter 1: Catching Up

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Present Day

"Hello gentleman." Consular said walking forward "My name is Adian Price."

Everyone went quiet. Don't speak Ana just let the men talk. "Oook? Well um Price heres the deal but we are looking for soldiers not whatever the hell you are." Felix said.

"So do you have something that we want?" Locus asked.

"No I have something that you need. The agents you mentioned, is it Agents Carolina and Washington?" Consular asked.

Wash? Carolina? What? They are alive?! "They're alive?!" I said looking at Locus.

Consular raised an eyebrow than smiled a bit. "Agent Arizona? It's been awhile."

"Wait before you have your class reunion how did you know that?" Locus said.

"Well I know everything about my agents, as the former Consular of Project Freelancer, I helped the Director form them, physiologically analogies, medical histories, they are all housed right here," he pointed to his head. "And I can give it to you."

Felix laughed. "Well sorry to cut you short but we already have confidential Project Freelancer files."

"Oh if that's the stuff that has been recovered by the USNC that's only the tip of the ice berg." Consular said.

"I think you are bluffing." Felix said pulling his pistol out and aiming it at him.

Oh well there goes that bastard, now he won't know anything about...

"Did you know that Agent Washington didn't like having an AI access to his noral implants system? Did you know Agent Carolina has a 57% chance to neglect her teammates when having a completion component? No?" He said explaining. "Than I doubt you know there is an inmate here that has a history with the agents and will become very useful if you were properly guided."

Shit. No. Wait why am I feeling bad? Both of them are assholes! It's true for Carolina's poor self she left for her own self! Wash...I can't believe it! Why didn't they call or even come to say hey I am alive dont worry!? No I am glad we are doing this, we are going to take them down.

"Take us to him." I said without thinking twice.

Everyone looked at me. "I agree I am you think and talk fast," Felix said excitingly. He put his hands on Consular's shoulders. "We are going to get along."

When we headed out with Consular in front of us, we stood in front of the prison door. As it opened the inmate started to raise up. When he stood I swear he was about 9 feet tall, he had tattoos all over his chest and arms, he had a green eye and a black one, half of his face was burnt, and half of his black hair was gone.

I stared at the man more I looked at his tattooed chest one them had shark teeth with flames behind it. "Shark face?" I whispered.

6 Years Ago

"Happy birthday to you!" Lina started to bring out a birthday cake with the number 1 on it.

I held David's arm and sang with the crowd. Trent came running outside and started to sing with everyone. "He is late." I whispered to David.

"Well he had to work last night and he just got off sweetheart." He whispered back.

"On his daughter's birthday?" I asked.

He nodded. Watched as Carolina walked to Trent taking him inside. It was a couple minutes before they came back out with a camera.

"Mommy can we go home?" Athena said tugging on my pants.

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