Sunshine, Food & Rats

Start from the beginning

-OH! That reminds me I haven't visited your house for a while, lately, I haven't ruined more dresses!- Pepa was quite happy with her achievement, almost always going to Salazar's shop so Maru could fix her dress, it seems like Felix had affected her positively, days have been sunnier for two years.

-You can visit whenever you want! Also, that's amazing! Hope you keep up the effort, sometimes is difficult to fix those tears in your dress! At that rate, I would have to start charging you!- A little joke accompanied by Maru congratulating Pepa, flopping into one of the clouds.

-I'll keep it in mind! But mom tends to overwork us with some chores, but the day I can go I'll tell you!-

-Sure thing, but geez... Doesn't your mom overwork you a lot? You work all day-

-You work all day too, Maru, you barely have two friends, TWO, just a few fingers from my hand!- She kept shoving the signaled two against Maru's face.

-Yeah, but I work by will, and mom pays me! It's different! Plus, what's wrong with having two friends? You are great!-

-Okay fine, wanna talk about something else?- It was better to move to another theme when those two argued, nothing could stop them in their rambling, so both knew to move to another theme was the best option

-Hm... I don't know- Maru offered a mantecada to Pepa, courtesy from Alma and Julieta who brought some food for the girls. -God... Julieta's food is amazing...-

-It truly is- Pepa grabbed the offered mantecada, eating with a smile.

-Now I'm never getting out of this house so I can eat more of this- And then the dark-skinned girl grabbed another mantecada.

-Ha! Ojala, ya quisiera yo, a mamá le encanta que nos visites- It was quite true, Alma had a soft spot for the chubby Salazar and treated her as one of their own every time they see each other around.

-Yeah that's true, but after Jacobo's wedding we'll have less work until Año Viejo y Nuevo, so I could visit more often!-

-Oh that's right! At your brother's wedding, you already made our clothes, didn't you?-

-Oh yeah, around three weeks ago I brought them here, talked a little with your brother when I came- The air in the room became to move, along with some clouds and a breeze, seems like a complex family relationship

-Bruno? Really?-

-Yeah he was nice, that's it. The conversation didn't last more than 2 minutes- quite the lie... There was also a disaster with an arepa and skirt but it was better to not be mentioned.

-Well that's a miracle, he barely talks with us too-

-I'm a charmer, what can I say?- Maru winked as a joke, grabbing something to eat; then the ambient moved more warmly, it was weird, it was nighttime yet in Pepa's room was such a strong sun over them.

-You truly are- A sarcastic comment, but data certain point it was true, Maru tended to be generally liked but still no friends, a weird combo to be honest.

The conversation continued with several themes, none of the girls realizing soft squeaks entering the room, until...


Pepa screamed while jumping up, getting away from the rat; such a scare made an effect in the room, rainclouds forming along with lighting. Maru simply jumped to one of the clouds, eventually noticing some familiar curly figure with a green ruana running inside Pepa's room trying to catch the rat.

-Perdon Pepi! Ya la atrapo!- screamed Bruno while following after the rat, trying to catch it and not fall into the tiny river surrounding the room


Pepa's fear turned into rage, rain beginning to fall while lighting made more chaos into the situation, and the gust of wind made Maru fall from the cloud, it was all too much to follow up, the only option was to watch in fear.

Alma and Julieta are probably asleep right now, so one can't resort to them at this moment, Maru had two options, fight or flight

And Flighting was getting quite tempting considering Pepa's changing mood.

But one couldn't simply leave... As soon as a squeak was heard beside Maru, she immediately jumped to grab the rat successfully, but the rain kept falling...

-I got it!- A scream to alert both siblings that the rat had been trapped, and it was surprisingly calm after being caught by Marulanda.

The rain stopped but lighting continued, as Pepa argued with Bruno and all he could say was "sorry" and "it won't happen again". It was quite a sad sight of the poor seer.

-You ruined my meeting with Marulanda, you know how ard I worked to finally have some time with her and you ruin it! I have to work hard to meet with friends, not like you!-


-"Sorry, Sorry" That's all you know to say! Sabe' que? Solo manten esas ratas lejos, Bruno!-

- Pepi- The discussion stopped as soon as Maru intervened, walking towards both as the climate chaos calmed down; Bruno was looking down in shame, whose eyes were just on the verge of crying if one checked correctly, yet thankful for catching the rat and stopping Pepa. -It was just an accident, I know you work hard to meet with me and Felix, but a simple rat won't ruin it, plus, it quite made it funnier-

-... Fine-

-Now, I'm not good at reconciling families, so you can have a hug, a simple "sorry" or anything- Biggest thing the Salazar's have fought before is about who gets to have the last _____, it was almost like war at some points.



-Sorry for the rat-

-Sorry for screaming...-

And then they walked away from each other, at least that was something? Progress?

Bruno looked back at Maru, a silent thank you while leaving and that was it.

Wait for a second...

It took some seconds for Maru to realize she still was holding the rat, the same rat that squeaked again as it watched Bruno leave.

-Eo, Flaco! Espera que se te olvido la rata- 

Why did Bruno have rats? A big question that Maru still doesn't ask about.

Bruno looked back realizing such a thing too, walking back into the room and grabbing the rat softly. -Gracias Maru-

-De na' flaco- She smiled at him, hoping he would smile a little too so he didn't feel that bad.

-Wait a minute... "Flaco"? "Maru"?- With hands in her hips, Pepa questioned them at such nicknames, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

- ... -

Maru and Bruno looked at each other as soon as they realized how used they were to talk like that to each other, and after Maru said the only time they met was brief and some time ago, surely it was weird to use those names without "knowing each other".

-Creo que ya la cagamos...-


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