Chapter one

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Today was just another day in the red room with my bestie Natasha, we had a plan to escape but haven't found out how to do it properly. We had to go on another mission today and pretend they where actually in control still even though we found that chemical to get us out of it.

"Nat, you ready to go" I walk over to her seeing her get her gear and a few other things

Nat- "yeah, let's try do this today and get these thing out of us" she points towards our arm where the tracking device is

"Okay, let's go" we had to go kill someone today but I don't know who it is so I just had to go along with it, Natasha usually does the killing even though I've had to do it multiply times before.

*Timeskip to after mission*

There's usually a apartment that we can go to near our missions that say where still in the area so we headed there after.

"Okay, we gonna take them out today"

Nat- "yeah, if we keep these heat for a little it'll give us a few minutes to get away from this place" we both look down to our left arms and grab the nearest knife. Being in the red room you get a lot of injuries so cutting out a tracking device wasn't that bad but it still hurt. Once I got it out I grabbed one of the needles that I set out and started to stitch it up but I was never good at the wound hung. I quickly tie it up and then go to wash my hands when and arrow goes through the window barely hitting my cheek. I look back to see a guy in a dark purple vest and a black bow and arrow.

Me and Nat look at each other and then both hide behind the kitchen counter. Nat hadn't finished stitching her wound so she quickly finishes it of and we both grabbed our weapons.

"Who the heck is this guy"

Nat- "he was probably sent to kill us from dreykov"
Another arrow was sent through the window hitting the kitchen table, after all the years of working do the red room I don't want to die.

After a few minutes of sitting there they had shot a few more arrow and then come banging on the door, me and Nat quickly run to another room spreading out as he gets through. She jumps at him and trips him over but he takes her down with him and quickly knocks her out after fighting for a little bit. Surprisingly he didn't kill her, I don't think he did, oh god he's looking at me. I slowly start to walk back as he walks forward quickly, I look into his eyes with fear and words slowly leave my mouth.

"Please, please don't kill me" I look him in the eyes further and his facial expressions change, I start to show emotion which I never do, as I walk backwards slowly my back hits the wall.

"I don't wanna die" his facial expressions change once again and he seems sorry for me and Natasha, he places his hands out but in instinct and move his hands away and punch him in the jaw. He takes his hand and grabs it and just looks at me as I stare at him.

Clint- "wow, didn't see that coming" he moves his jaw around.

"Are you gonna hurt me like you did my friend"

Clint- "I shouldn't have judged you guys because of your mistakes" he looks down at Natasha and i just look at him shocked that he actually looked at me.

Clint- "hopefully she doesn't kill me when she wakes up"

"She will, just cause we had to take out these trackers she lost a little bit to much blood" I point to the tracking devices on the bench and then show him my arm that happened to be bleeding.

"Oh shit, I need to cover that up and than track the devices so that they keep moving around"

Clint just looks at me and then notices the cut on my cheek

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