Chapter 18 ~ The Flu

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Feeling an unpleasant motion in my stomach, but without warning, I could feel it coming up my throat as I ran to the bathroom upstairs. Pushing the door hard, falling onto my hands and knees, I placed my face inside the bowl of the toilet. Throwing up the chicken. After relieving of myself I pressed my forehead against the edge of the seat of the toilet. Breathing heavily as sweat fell down my bare neck. I heard the creak of the bathroom door open; turning my head over to find Thomas standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face. "Don't...come in here," I said, flushing away the mess down the drain. I still pressed my forehead on the seat, Thomas walked over, kneeling on the ground, and rubbed my back. "I don't want you to see me like this," Thomas grunted. "Must be the chicken or the flu."

Thomas placed his hand on my forehead, she was burning. Scooping me up with his strong arms and carried me all the way to our bed. Laying me ever so carefully on the soft mattress.


He did not leave my side. Holding my hand, brushing pieces of my curly hair away from my face. I smiled back at him, thanking him as I slipped away from conscience.

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Thomas' POV.

My poor wife was sick and I did not know what to do. Seconds later, Mama came into the room with the Tea Lady. "Tea Lady was a nurse, so she's gonna take a look at Maddy, to see what is wrong with her." Nodding my head, I gave Maddy a kiss on the cheek, quietly felt the room so Mama and Tea Lady could do their job.

As I walked down the steps I walked to the kitchen, sat at the table, waiting nervously. Twirling my thumbs around and around, my feet tapped on the old wooden floor, chewing my bottom lip. I was worried about Maddy. What is going to happen to her? Looking back at the clock, it had only been 20 minutes. It felt like an hour. Just when I was about to head down to the basement I heard Mama and Tea Lady walking down the stairs. There was a big smile on both of their faces. I didn't know why they were smiling.

Before they could anything I ran up the stairs to our bedroom. Maddy was laying on the bed, her hands were moving around her stomach. She gazed up at me as I slowly walked over to the bed. "Oh Thomas." She said. "Help me up to the bathroom." I helped her off the bed, guiding her to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet as I knelt down beside her. She looked...nervous. "Luda Mae and Tea Lady said I should take a...test. It should explain why I am sick." A test? What sort of test was she talking about?

Maddy grabbed a long white stick from the counter, covering it with her hand. Taking a deep breathe while I held her hand, she uncovered the stick and gasped aloud.

 Taking a deep breathe while I held her hand, she uncovered the stick and gasped aloud

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There were two pink lines on the stick. Maddy was in complete shock, staring deeply at the stick. Turning her head toward me as I looked at her. Tears were streaming down her face. I whimpered, whipping away the tears. "I'm not crying because I'm sad, Thomas. I'm crying because I'm happy." I still did not know why she was happy? "This." She held the stick in front of me. "This is a pregnancy test that Luda Mae and Tea Lady wanted me to take. This explains why I am sick. It was morning sickness because I'm pregnant." I was in a state of shock that I didn't know what to say or what to do.

Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora