Iida faced with father with the look of betrayal. This father only responded by tapping his head.

That's all?!

Eh?!?!?!!! Katsuki looked at his Parents in surprise. He believed they would vote for Deku.

"Lastly, the Pro Heroes who voted for the villains! Come on up; Mirkro, Ingenuiem, Hawks, and Best Jeanest!" Alisha announced.

"I can't believe Hawks didn't believe we could do it." Toru sulked. Tsu patted her sleeves with a sad Kero.

"Iida-kun everyone except your mom voted for the Villain Team, are you okay?." Koda asked the president.

"I think I understand why. The Villain Team showed stable teamwork while Bakugou's team was all over the place and weren't united. An example could be when discussing quirks and plans. Midoriya-kun made sure to establish authority and allowed the others to voice their quirks making them feel much more comfortable before setting them up in groups where his plan of adding Shinsou to the team was implemented. However, for Bakugou. He attempted to display authority but allowed the frustration of not getting a support technician to plague his mind. And with his short temper, he didn't listen to his teammates, and the cooperation after that was built on them relying on Kirishima-"

"Oh SHUT UP FOUR EYES!!! YOU'RE MUMBLING JUST LIKE DEKU!!!" Bakugou yelled, pissed.

"Oh? Ah! I'm sorry! I know how uncomfortable you guys are when listening to this yet I-" Iida was interrupted by a waterfall.

"Eh?! You guys are uncomfortable with my mumbling?!" "Gomen-ne! No, wait, gomen-nasai!" Midoriya apologized bowing at a 90° angle.

"I am a little uncomfortable with the energy I have created in the studio today... So! I've decided to lift your mood by memes!"

"Quick reminder, I have a horrible sense of humor. And no Aizawa you cannot curl up in your sleeping bag."

"Why?" Aizawa started poking his head from his sleeping bag.

"Or else I'll put memes of you," Alisha stated as if it was obvious.

"No, I meant. Why?"

"Woohoo! We're watching memes now!!" Kaminari cheered high giving Mina.

"Lemillion-san, what is a meme?" Those who were near Eri looked down sadly realizing she doesn't know the joy of memes.

Once the memo of that sunk in. They glared daggers at Overhaul who glared back.

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't even know about memes until I was 18!" He declared and suddenly half the glares he got were turned into pity.

"That's just sad man." Tetsutetsu sighed.

"Well Eri-chan, a meme is a picture with words that makes others laugh once they see it." Mirio simplified it for the precious bean.

"Oh really? Then I want to see these memes!" Eri smiled.

"What Eri wants she gets, prepare for some memes, everyone!" Alisha smashed an orange button on her remote. Suddenly the screen started to flicker before what was dubbed as a meme appeared.

 Suddenly the screen started to flicker before what was dubbed as a meme appeared

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Reacting to U.A's CIVIL WAR & BOUNDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें