Chapter 10 ~ The Sawyers

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"Nice to meet you, Tex." Maddy said.

"This is his mother." Luda Mae said. She turned to a woman in a wheelchair with some sort of speaker on her throat. The woman, but her hand to it & started speaking with a mechanical voice.

"It's nice to meet you. Such a lovely girl for Thomas." She said, Maddy's face grew warm with a smile as she glanced over to Thomas.

"Thank you." Maddy said. "Nice to meet you too."

"I hope you take good care of Tommy." She continued in her mechanical voice. Just before Maddy could respond Luda Mae pulled Mindy aside to two more people. One was an extremely overweight woman drinking tea & eating little chocolates. The other was a girl around 7 years old with really short blood hair.

"This is Henrietta." Luda Mae gestured to the girl. "And the other is a good friend of mine. They live about a mile or so away from here."

"Really?" Maddy asked. "Well a friend of Luda Mae is a friend of mine. It's nice to meet you, Heniretta." But Heniretta hide behind the Tea Lady.

"Sorry about that honey, Henrietta's the shy type." The Tea Lady said with a smile. "She doesn't get out often." Henrietta peeked behind the Tea Lady, staring at Maddy with her big blue eyes. Maddy gave her a warm smile, knelt down to her height, & approved her gently.

"You don't have be afraid of me, honey. I don't bite." She said with a giggle. Henrietta kept staring at her until she felt comfortable that she approved Maddy, & gave her a smile in return.

"What do ya say, Henrietta?" The Tea Lady said.

"It's, Maddy." She said, sticking out her tiny hand. Maddy shook her hand which made Henrietta opened up quickly.

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Maddy's POV.

The rest of the afternoon I thought that I wasn't gonna get along with the rest of the family, but I was wrong. They were great! Some more than other's treated me as if I had been on the family from day 1. I also realized that there were 2 main parts of the family. There was the Hewitts and the Sawyers.

One the Hewitt side besides us was, Tea Lady, I never heard her name & was obsessed with tea, her daughter Henrietta who acts like we were best friends. Abel & his two sons Adam & Cain. Brothers Shiloh & Ezekiel who were Thomas' cousin. Clem who was one of the older Hewitts, & lastly Lyle who was also Thomas' cousin.

And on the Sawyer side was, Drayton who was the older brother of Chop Top, & his twin Nubbins who was not seen at the affair. Grandfather who Chop Top had wheeled in, Grandmother who Chop Top had wheeled in. Grandmother & Great Grandmother whom were both dead. Edward "Tex" who I had to call Tex because if I did he was gonna go into a pit of rage just like Hoyt if you call him "Charlie". Tinker, "Tink" or "Tech" who loved to toy with machine & build things to help the family, & their mother Annie. Bless her heart she the sweetest lady I have ever met. She was like another mother to me just like Luda Mae. Vilmer & his lover Darla who I didn't see either. And last, but not least Alfred Sawyer who was a pervert.

As soon as she saw me the first thing he said to me was. "What a rack!" Which earned a double slap to the head from Luda Mae & Hoyt.

The whole time I've been trying to keep my distance from him, but some how he keeps coming to me trying to "cop a feel" as he told me, but was quickly taken away by Thomas. I even have to cover my boobs with my arms just in case he decided to try to come at ,e again which I know that Thomas would come to my rescue.

Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora