25. Anger

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Sitting on a chair. All strapped up. In the LOV's hideout. How lovely.

"Hey, can I have my hand back." I ask Shigaraki as he inspects my severed my hand.

"Hmm, I might keep this." His scratchy voice says.

I gasp, "no!" Remembering I can still control unattached limbs, I smack Shigaraki's hand. He jumps letting my hand go.

Landing on the ground, my hand crawls towards me. Just like that one hand from The Addam's Family. My hand grossly crawls up my leg and lays on my lap.

"How the hell did you do that." One villain asks. He has some pretty nasty burns. I feel like I've seen him before.

Instead of answering his question, I smile at him. I turn to my side to see Bakugo. He glares at me, but I just shrug at him. The villain then continued about how they want us to join their league. I zone out instead. They could have made this kidnapping more fun.

After a while, I finally pay attention to reality when a villain named Twice and Mr. Compress started unbinding us. Once freed, Bakugo started to attack. I, being too lazy for all this shit, just stayed seated. Actually, I'm pretty tired of sitting down. I reach for my severed hand on my lap so that it won't fall when I stand up. Forgetting that it was my right arm that's handless, I reach for my hand with my right arm. Finally realizing I'm stupid, I was about to pull my right arm away. But I suddenly stop.

The little part of my hand and arm touching, it's skin seems to attach back together. I use my left hand to carry my right hand and aline it to my right arm. Low and behold, the skins connect to each other. Soon enough, my right hand and arm has connected back together. It looks as if my hand was never cut off.

This means my necklace is nearby. Somewhere really close that I can reattach a limb back to my body. I look around, hoping I'll see my necklace.

"Hello, I got a pizza delivery here." We all look at the door. "SMASH!"

I sigh, I was kind of hoping for pizza. Through all of this chaos, in the corner of my eye I spot my necklace. Luckily, it's really close to me. Unluckily, it's in Shigaraki's pocket. I just have to wait for the perfect opportunity to snatch it. As I wait, I start to wonder how he got my necklace.

As the Pro Heroes enter and has the villains on hold, I slowly creep my way near Shigaraki.

Suddenly, nomus started warping in. Chaos starts again. The villains one by one disappear. I quickly put a hand on Shigaraki before he got warped away. Stupid me didn't realize I was going to be warped with him.

We all arrive in front of a ruined building. In front of the building is a villain, I'm guessing the boss of the league.

After a while, All Might appears to fight the boss. As he and this villain fight, I take this chance to get my necklace. I quickly reach towards Shigaraki's pocket. Luckily, he hasn't noticed. I safely got my necklace and quickly stuff it into my pocket.

The villains start to attack Bakugo and I. I dodge their attacks, so does Bakugo. I start to think of a plan. That's when I remember an old skill of mine. One I used all the time in the past, but stopped because I couldn't use it on quirks.

I intently watched Toga trying to attack Bakugo. After a second, I mimic her. Every move was exactly like hers. Not a single thing was miscalculated. Using her actions, I got a pretty good hit on Twice. That's when a huge ice tower shows up.

Three of my classmates show up in the sky.

"COME ON!" Kirishima yells out, having his arm reached out.

Bakugo looks at me, but I shake my head no. He nods his head and make a huge explosion. I watch him swiftly grab Kirishima's hand. While the villains are distracted, I quickly run and hide. I stay to watch All Might fight the villain called All For One. I know I should run to safety, but something in me is telling me to stay. Throughout the fight, I hear every nasty word that came out of the villain's mouth. Anger start to gather in me.

As they fight, I see a lady injured in the shambles of ruined buildings. I run towards her. Helping her get out. That's when I hear All For One.

"There's one more thing you might be interested in to know. Tomura Shigaraki, my apprentice, is Nana Shimura's grandson."

I freeze up. The world seems to shatter around me. My best friend. A great hero I once knew. Her own blood, a villain.

"All Might, we need you!" The injured lady screams.

Her screams made me notice that All Might was also frozen. Seeing him look so broken after hearing the news brought even more rage to bubble up inside me.

I walk towards All For One. Both villain and hero notices me.

"Y/n! Get out of here!" All Might screams.

I ignore him and continue to walk towards All For One, "you killed my best friend. Groomed her grandson. Brought pain towards so many people." I stop walking and point at him. "Each and every one of your actions is UNFORGIVABLE!"

The anger in me explodes as I run towards All For One. I dodge every shard he tries to shoot at me. Getting close enough to him, I give him one great punch. He also gives me a punch right on the face.

"That wasn't a good idea kid." He shoots a shard through my heart. He starts to laugh but quickly stops when he notices I didn't budge.

Now it's my turn to laugh. "Kid? You seriously think I'm a kid? I may look like one, but I am far older than you." I take the shard out of my heart, my body quickly healing itself. "I have walked along this Earth for thousands, maybe even millions, of years. I will continue walking on this Earth. And each step would be me hunting down each and every one of your minions. I will NOT let your plan work!" I go for another punch, completely oblivious to the Pro Heroes arriving.

"You're immortal?" All For One asks. He realizes how ridiculous that sounded.

As he was about to laugh, I answer his question "yes. Yes, I am." I gave him a punch he didn't expect, knocking him off his feet. We continue to keep punching each other. Throwing each other to the broken buildings, dust getting everywhere. After a while, I can feel my body getting really tired. I know I'm about to faint, so I stop.

I stay still to catch my breathe, "I'll leave this to All Might. You better hope you never see me again."

As I walk away, my legs collapse. I pass out. The last thing I remember before surrendering to the dark was falling onto someone's arms.   

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