20. Missing

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Second day of internship, and Midoriya looks like he just got beaten up. Poor him.

Watching Gran Torino and Midoriya doing their training, I start to think about my training. I really need to work on my speed and strength. Which I have been working on, but my body isn't being affected by my workouts. Maybe my body has gotten used to my laziness.

The third day of internship. Gran Torino is taking us on a field trip. We're going to some place in Tokyo, I don't really know. I wasn't paying attention to Gran Torino's long ass talk.

I hum as we ride the bullet train to our destination. I play around with my secret pocket on my hero costume. I'm hoping something interesting happens soon, I'm getting bored.

As if my wishes were heard, a hero suddenly crushes into the train. A nomu showing up as well. I wanted something interesting to happen, but not this type of interesting!

"I want you to stay back, you hear me?!" Gran Torino says before taking the nomu out of the train.

As Midoriya and I look through the big hole the hero and nomu made, we could see flames in the city. Chaos. Midoriya suddenly runs out, and me being a dumb ass follows him.

As I zoom after him, I fail to notice that I left my secret pocket open giving my necklace the freedom to fly away.

I continue to follow Midoriya until I saw a piece of a building about to fall on a few people. I ditched Midoriya and quickly went to get the people out of the way. As I carry them to safety, a nomu shows up. It spots me and goes right after me.

Since I was not given the permission to use my quirk by Gran Torino, I try to avoid the nomu's attacks rather than fighting it. It didn't take long for the nomu to get me. It grabbed onto my waist and pierced it's claws into it. Ouch. It continues to pierce it's claws onto my body and after a while it got bored of me, deciding to throw me at some random direction.

Luckily, it threw me into a dark alleyway. I won't be noticed here. I wait for my injuries to heal before running out again to help more people. My injuries were healing, but not fast as it usually is. I quickly put my hand on top of my secret pocket... nothing. I stuff my hand inside to double check and still nothing. This is bad. Really bad. And from how slow my injuries are healing, my necklace must be pretty far.

I'll just have to wait for a really long time for my injuries to heal enough for me to move. I need to find my necklace fast. What I didn't expect is my injuries to be terrible. That nomu really broke my body. Multiple bones are broken and there's big holes all over my body. Blood and flesh could be seen splattered all over my hero costume.

After a few minutes, I start feeling the pain. My whole body hurts and stings. My head is pounding. My eyes are getting tired too. They want to close shut, but I can't let them. I have to stay awake. I need to watch my injuries and once they get healed enough, I'll run out of this alleyway to help people and find my necklace.

After a long minute of trying to fight my eye lids, they forcefully shut on their own. I guess I could let my eyes rest for now. Which was a bad decision because I quickly fell asleep. Fighting my drowsiness, I quickly snapped myself awake. I look around for something to help keep me awake, but alas nothing. I did spot a rusty old door though. I wonder what's inside.

Having my curiosity get the better of me, I decide to check it out. Forcing my last bit of strength left, I shakily get up and drag my body towards the door.

Luckily, the door was not locked. All I had to do was to turn the door knob for it to click open. I couldn't see what's inside, it's pitch black. This would be a good place to hide in for a while.

I close the door as I go in. I walk a few steps before my legs quit on me and I collapse to the ground. Having no energy left, I decided to just stay on the ground. I would usually be disgusted from having to lay on a dirty ground, but at the moment I just want nothing but to sleep.

After a while, my consciousness ran away and I go to a deep hibernation.

I go from consciousness to unconsciousness multiple times. My injuries still not healed enough every time I was awake. I have no idea how many hours or even days has passed.

Hosu General Hospital:
Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae was gonna have a difficult time telling the three injured boys about their classmate. He was fine telling them about their punishment, but the topic after that would be tough.

"There's one more thing I have to add, woof." The three boys gave Tsuragamae curious looks. He continues, "one of your classmate, Y/n..." The three patiently waits. "She's missing."

It took a few seconds for the boys to process what the chief said. When it did hit them, they all yell out "WHAT?!?"

Tsuragamae finishes what he was planning to say, "Y/n was seen helping people from getting hurt, but was attacked by a nomu while helping. That's all we know for now. We're trying our best to find her, woof."

The boys freak out. Asking millions of questions.

The abandoned building:
I quickly wake up from the noise of the door clicking open. I turn my head towards the door, hoping it isn't a nomu. Luckily, it's not. Unluckily, it's a child. The child seems to be surprised to see me, they're frozen to the spot.

"Who are you?" The child asks.

I try to form a reply, but all I could get out of my throat was a slurred "hero."

"A hero? What is a hero doing in my secret lair?" The child says with a tone of annoyance.

Feeling way too shitty, I decide to ignore the child and try to go back to sleep. Closing my eyes, I could hear foot steps walking towards me.

"Hey are you dead?" The child gets closer, "helloooooo." They get close enough to see my state "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE DEAD!!"

I grumble out of annoyance. I try to move my body a little, but my injuries haven't healed well yet. I wince from the pain.

"Did you fight those big ugly monsters?"

I don't reply, hoping they thought I did die. I think they got the memo because the kid quickly left. I hope he didn't call for help. It'd be pretty messy if I went to the hospital.

After a few moments, the door clicks open again. Footsteps. Body movement noises. Then a sting.

I hissed from the sudden sting.

"Rubbing alcohol." The child says.

Oh? The child is trying to help me. I clear my throat. I clear it again. And again. And again. And after probably a thousand times of clearing my throat, I finally say a sentence. "Why didn't you call for help."

"There must be a reason to why you're hiding." The kid wraps bandages around my arm.

I finally take a closer look at the kid. There isn't much light in here, so I couldn't see much details. What stands out the most to me was that the kid had a hat with horns at the front. How cute.

"Thanks kid." My raspy voice says out loud.

"I'm only doing this because I want you out of my secret lair."

I painfully giggle, "mhm suuureee."

I watch the kid bandage my open wounds and wipe off dried blood. As I continue to watch, I slowly drift to sleep.

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