First Pregnancy

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Two weeks later, Sarv wasn't feeling the best. In fact, she seemed pretty sick. Ruv caught her in the bathroom vomiting into the toilet while looking very pale one morning. "Sarv, are you alright?", Ruv asked, "I-I'm just peachy, Ruv...", Sarv answered before vomiting once more, "This has been happening for a while now, I'm afraid you have a disease. We need to take you to the hospital.", Ruv said, "But who will lead the Masses if we did that?", Sarv asked, "One of the other nuns can handle it. It's not exactly the first time we had to rely on one of them to do so while we were out. It'll be fine, it wouldn't be that long anyway.", Ruv answered, "Okay, you're right.", Sarv responded with a sigh.

An hour-and-a-half later, they were sitting in a hospital room. The two were wearing their more casual clothes, a dark blue sweater and black pants with dark grey boots and his eyepatch for Ruv and a bright pink off-the-shoulder sweater and blue-ish shorts with a black tank-top and beige sandals for Sarv. They were waiting to hear what was wrong.

A male doctor came up to them with some news, "Well, Sarvente and Ruvyzvat, I got some news for you both.", he said, Sarv and Ruv glanced at each other at that, "Is it good news or bad news?", Ruv asked, "Well, this statement is a mixture of good and bad, as well as kind of shocking. Are you ready for this?", the doctor answered and asked, "Yes.", Sarv answered for both herself and Ruv, "Sarvente, you don't have a disease. The sickness you've been feeling is just part of the early stages of pregnancy.", the doctor announced, "WHAT?!", Sarv and Ruv exclaimed, "Two weeks along, to be exact.", the doctor added.

"I... I can't believe it!", Ruv said, "But, doctor, I don't understand. I took a pregnancy test just in case and it came back negative.", Sarv explained, "Sometimes, those are defective. Best to get couple more just in case. Also, it might not be safe for the baby if people knew it's parents were a demon and a criminal, so keep it on the down-low for now.", the doctor responded and added, "How did you know about that?", Ruv asked, "Ruvyzvat, you're a notorious criminal and, well, some doctors can sense whether their patients are demons or not. Now, Sarvente, here's some antibiotics for your symptoms and, uh, don't drink any alcohol or do any strenuous activities or even change forms for nine months.", the doctor answered and said, handing Sarv a bottle of pills, "Okay. Thanks, doctor.", Sarv responded after taking the bottle.

A few hours later, Sarv and Ruv were in their bedroom, unable to think about the Masses going well. Ruv was pacing back and forth while Sarv sat on the bed thinking. Ruv suddenly stopped and rubbed his forehead with a sigh, "Sarv, I am very sorry. Maybe it's not too late, we can still take you to abort pregnancy.", Ruv said, slight panic in his voice, "...No. I believe the baby shouldn't lose it's life before it even begins, I actually kinda want it anyway.", Sarv responded, making her decision and smiling, "You do?", Ruv asked, "Yes, what about you?", Sarv answered and asked back, "In all honesty, I only suggested getting rid of it because I was panicking. The truth is... I want it as well...", Ruv answered admittingly before smiling.

The two hugged for a moment and Ruv left the room afterwards to get some vodka for himself to quietly celebrate his nearing fatherhood. Sarv was thinking about her motherhood, she looked down at her stomach and placed her hand gently on it. "You appeared at such an odd time, little one. But don't worry, Ruv and I will try our best for you.", Sarv said to herself softly. The next morning, Ruv woke up with a massive hangover which he managed to quickly get over and went to help Sarv with chores and a few other things since she wasn't able to do much.

Over the rest of the month, the two read up on other symptoms and Ruv renovated one of their spare rooms into a nursery once they had enough materials and baby stuff. The whole time, Ruv thought back to his childhood. Despite being much more than a couple hundred years old, it was easy for him and Sarv to remember things from way back then. It was difficult for Ruv to forget either way. While he missed his loving mother, he couldn't care less about his father. The man was cruel and would beat him or slap him for misbehaving or disobeying him. He quietly swore to himself that once his child was born, he would be a much better father to them than his own was to him.

Six months into the pregnancy, Sarv and Ruv were talking to the choir and the other nuns in the church. They already knew that two were a demon and a criminal who made a pact to both live eternally and even got married, they all agreed to keep it a secret despite the unholy circumstances. Sarv also hasn't worn her nun outfit in a while either because none of them would know how potential newcomers would react to a pregnant nun asking them to join the church. Sarv would occasionally joke about how her costume wouldn't fit thanks to the the baby growing and kicking. However, after a few minutes, she climbed too high on a ladder trying to patch something up. She lost her balance and fell on her back, the baby stopped kicking and moving in that moment. Everyone gasped at the accident before Ruv rushed her to the E.R. as quick as possible.

After fifteen minutes of waiting in panic, a female doctor came back with the x-ray results. "Well, I have good news. Sarvente has a healing factor, so she hasn't broken any bones and the baby was healed as well. It only stopped moving from the impact as a response to the vibrations in the womb.", the doctor explained, both Sarv and Ruv were happy and relieved, "Now, since the baby was x-rayed too, do you want to know it's gender?", the doctor asked. The two weren't sure what to say, they originally were just gonna wait until the baby was born to see it's gender.

They finally nodded and the doctor turned on a black-and-white monitor, revealing the baby to be a half-human-half-demon baby boy with some hair, two dull nubby horns on his head, and two tiny demon wings on his back. The baby opened his eyes slightly for a brief moment before curling in on himself more. "Congratulations, it's a little cambion boy.", the doctor said, Sarv and Ruv grinned happily, "Oh, he's so beautiful!", Sarv exclaimed, "Can you not tell anyone about us being his parents? We have a reputation at church to keep up.", Ruv asked, "Of course, Ruvyzvat. We are not supposed to discuss such details with those who don't work here anyway, especially given your criminal history.", the doctor answered. Once they got back, they told the others the good news, they were relieved and also happy for the two joyously having a son. 

Two months later, the two were deciding on a name for the baby. "Hmm, I'm not sure what to name him, what do you think?", Ruv asked, "How about... 'Selever'? That was originally gonna be my name if I was a boy.", Sarv answered, "I doubt that to be a hundred percent true, but whatever.", Ruv commented, "It is the perfect name for him, either way.", he continued smiling, "Our little Selever...", Sarv muttered happily. The baby suddenly kicked hard, "OW!", Sarv yelped, "Sarv?", Ruv started in response, Sarv sighed, "I'm okay, Ruv. Selever is just a little feisty.", she said. Ruv relaxed but then started thinking, Sarv noticed this, "What's wrong?", she asked, "I was... just thinking, shall we have another one in a couple years or more?", Ruv said and ask, "Sure, dear.", Sarv answered willingly with a smile. The two kissed on the lip briefly.

Another month later, Sarv was just pacing around the church with Ruv in their casual clothes, but she suddenly started feeling uncomfortable and in a small bit of pain. She was having contractions, Ruv and the other church members immediately noticed. "Sarv, are you okay? What is wrong?", Ruv asked in slight panic, "R-Ruv, I think it's time. The baby's coming!", Sarv answered panting, "Iris, start the car NOW!", Ruv shouted to one of the nuns.

A bit later, they were at the hospital and Sarv was on a bed giving birth, hyperventilating and groaning as Ruv grabbed her hand. The female and male doctors that told them about Sarv's pregnancy and the baby's gender were helping her deliver the baby, "Push!", the male doctor said, Sarv groaned through her teeth as she did so, "Come on, just one more big push!", the female doctor said, Sarv let out a pained scream as she listened. The baby then came out and crying from the new born was heard. After about thirty minutes, the baby was shown to be healthy and was nursing on Sarv. Sarv and Ruv saw that the baby's eyes were also glowing their 'power color', a pinkish red, that whole time, which is normal for a new born with demon DNA. A few minutes later, Ruv was able to hold him, and once he did, he smiled with joy at him, staring into his little still-glowing eyes. "Welcome to the world, Selever. I promise you, and any siblings you have in the future, your mother and I will do our best to love and care for you, son.", he said to the baby. Little Selever then started falling asleep in his father's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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