Chapter 5

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Deimos follows his brother along the corridor of the train til Ron comes to stop at a compartment with the boy from the platform, the one the twins told them was Harry Potter, in it "Anyone sitting there? Everywhere else is full." Ron asks pointing at the seat opposite him. The dark haired boy shakes his head making Ron walk in, dragging Deimos behind him to the seat before sitting down.Deimos copies and puts his case next to him "Hey, Ron, Deimos." the twins says appearing in the doorway. "Listen, we're going down the middle of the train... Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there." George explains. "Can I come see it?" Deimos asks excitedly. "We'll get him to show you when we get to school." Fred tells him "Harry, did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. See you later, then." he adds before leaving with George."Bye." the three eleven year old respond. "Are you really Harry Potter?" Ron blurts out making Harry nod. Deimos rolls his eyes at Ron slightly "Oh -- well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes. And have you really got -- you know..." Ron trails off pointing to Harry's forehead. Harry pulls his fringe back to reveal a lighting bolt shaped scar on his forehead "So that's where You-Know-Who -- ?" Ron starts. Yes, but I can't remember it." Harry explains. "Nothing?" Ron asks eagerly. "Well -- I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else." the black haired boy responds. "Wow." Ron says before looking out the window.

Deimos starts fiddling with his case making Ron look at him "Don't, mum said not to on the train." he tells him. "But they might be lonely." Deimos sighs. "Check on them later, you saw them before we left." Ron shrugs making the blonde sigh. "Are all your family wizards?" Harry asks. "Er -- Yes, I think so, I think Mum's got a second cousin who's an accountant, but we never talk about him." Ron tells him. "So you must know loads of magic already." Harry comments. Deimos and Ron shrug slightly "I heard you went to live with Muggles, What are they like?" Ron asks. "Horrible. Well, not all of them. My aunt and uncle and cousin are, though. Wish I'd had four wizard brothers." Harry responds. "Six, five biologically. Deimos is adopted, we're the sixth and seventh in our family to go to Hogwarts. We also have a younger sister, Ginny. You could say I've got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left, Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy's a prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny. Deimos understands animals and is a metamorphmagus. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new, either, with five older brothers. I've got Bill's old robes, Charlie's old wand, and Percy's old rat. His name's Scabbers and he's useless, he hardly ever wakes up. Percy got an owl from my dad for being made a prefect, but they couldn't aff-- I mean, I got Scabbers instead." Ron explains, his ears going slightly pink.

Harry looks confused "What's a metamorphmagus?" he asks. "It means I can change my appearance without spells or potions. My hair tends to change with my emotions too, lighter colours when I'm happier and darker when sadder. Along with different colours." Deimos explains. "That's awesome." Harry smiles. "Really? You think so?" Deimos asks him. "Yeah, definitely." Harry tells him "Can I see?" he asks. Deimos shrugs and turns his hair purple "Woah!" Harry smiles looking amazed. "He never really does it, but when he does it's awesome." Ron smiles making Deimos blush and decide to leave his hair purple. Harry starts to tell them about the Dursley's, his family, and how he had to wear his cousin Dudley's old clothes and never got any proper birthday presents from them "... and until Hagrid told me, I didn't know anything about being a wizard or about my parents or Voldemort." he explains. Ron gasps as Deimos flinches "What?" Harry asks. "You said You-Know-Who's name! I'd have thought you, of all people-" Ron explains. "I'm not trying to be brave or anything, saying the name, I just never knew you shouldn't. See what I mean? I've got loads to learn... I bet... I bet I'm the worst in the class." Harry voices his doubts. "You won't be. There's loads of people who come from Muggle families and they learn quick enough." Deimos assures.

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