Chapter 1

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Deimos wakes up to the snoring of his adopted brother, Ron, sighing he sits up and chucks his pillow at him "Shut it Ron! You sound like a dying pig!" he groans. Ron sits up glaring "No need to throw your pillow at me." he retorts. "Debatable." Deimos shrugs as he climbs out his bed. Ron copies and they both walk downstairs to breakfast. "Morning boys." Molly, their mother, smiles. "Morning mum." they both respond as they sit down at the table. Deimos between Percy and Ron, opposite Fred "When do you think our letters will arrive?" he asks. "Next day or so." Percy tells him making the two eleven year olds nod. "It's going to be alright. You both are obviously wizards, your definitely going to be heading off with us on the train." Percy assures them both. "But what if I'm in Slytherin?" Deimos asks. "Then you're in Slytherin. Doesn't make you any less our little brother." George tells him. Molly kisses the top of Deimos' head "You'll be fine. No matter what we're family." she adds. Deimos nods snd starts eating his breakfast and chatting with his family. After a few minutes Arthur walks in "Morning Weasley's." he greats sitting down at the table. "Morning dad." all the siblings respond. "Morning Arthur." Molly adds kissing his cheek. "How was work dad?" Percy asks. "Busy as usual, only a couple of raids last night though." their dad tells them. Deimos finishes his food "Can I please be excused?" he asks politely. "Of course dear. Make sure to make your bed though." Molly tells him. Nodding he kisses her cheek and leaves the table, heading upstairs to his and Ron's bedroom.

After an hour or so Deimos lies on his bed drawing his bowtruckle "Sprig, hold still. I've nearly finished." he tells his friend. The bowtruckle looks at him before holding still as Deimos finishes the drawing "There... done." Deimos smiles showing the creature the drawing. Sprig walks across the table and jumps down onto his shoulder giving a small noise in response "Thanks Sprig." Deimos smiles as he does he hears his mother squeal from downstairs. Jumping up he runs down to find his mum struggling to hold onto the cutlery as his niffler, Scuttle, runs round the room. Running over he grabs Scuttle "I've told you, no going in the kitchen. You want shiny things you can find shiny things in your den." he scolds taking the cutlery and other things off of the small fluffy creature. "Sorry mum, I thought I locked the door." Deimos apologises. "It's alright dear. Go take him back upstairs." Molly tells him. Deimos nods and carries Scuttle upstairs "Scuttle escape again?" George asks smiling as he pokes his head out of his and Fred's bedroom. "Yep." Deimos nods as Scuttle sits on his shoulder. Fred and George laugh "Nightmare Niffler." they say in sync making Deimos laugh and shake his head before going to his room to put Scuttle in his enclosure.

That evening Deimos goes downstairs and sits reading his copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by the fire, as he does an owl flies in and lands on the arm of his chair. Recognising the owl he smiles and takes the letter from its beak "Thank you Star." he smiles giving it an owl treat from his pocket before opening the letter

Hope this letter reached you alright, Mum and Dad say hello. How have things been? Did you get your birthday present? I got a new mission coming up soon so I might not be able to send you as many letters as usual but I'll send one when I can. Your Hogwarts letters are arriving tomorrow, I overheard soon of the school board. Remember what I told you, it doesn't matter what house you are in. Look at me and mum. I saw Lucius the other day, talking to Fudge as usual. I don't think he realised who I was, he hasn't ever met me to be fair. Hopefully you and Draco will be able to reconnect properly come September.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Tonks xxx
P.S. There's a rumour that there is a Mooncalf at Hogwarts.

Smiling Deimos pulls out some parchment to write a response

I got my birthday present, thank you for the Niffler ornament. Scuttle keeps trying to steal it, had to put it on the top shelf so he can't reach it. I'm good just worried about being sorted, how are you, Aunt Andy and Uncle Ted? Hope your mission goes well, tell Moody I say hello. Haven't heard from Draco since our birthday in June, I think Lucius and Narcissa found out that he's been writing to me. As for him not realising who you are, probably he doesn't like 'Bloodtraitors' like us. Write to me when you can, I'll let you know what house I'm in.
Deimos xxx
P.S. I'm definitely going to have to see the Mooncalf.

Deimos stands up and walks into the kitchen where his parents are "I got a letter from Tonks, she said our letters are arriving tomorrow. I've written a response, can I use Errol to send it please?" he asks. "Of course you can dear." Molly smiles. "Dad, Tonks said she saw Lucius talking to Fudge again." Deimos says as he gives Errol the response. "He's probably donating again. I'll keep an eye on him." Arthur tells his youngest son, putting a hand on his shoulder. Deimos sighs but nods as he watches Errol fly out the window and towards Tonks "You better head to bed. If the letters are coming tomorrow, we'll head to Diagon Alley after breakfast." Molly tells him. "Okay. Night Mum, Night Dad." Deimos smiles. "Night Son." they both smile as they watch him walk up to bed.

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