Rin Matsouka x reader - Play it safe - Part 2 - The Encounter

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The next day you got up and went to your practice. After practice you were a bit tired so you decided to skip school a bit. It was something you simply did from time to time. You went around town for a walk and stopped by in a grocery store to buy something refreshing to drink. After that, you found an empty playground. You practiced a bit your floor moves there…after all, no one was there and you were in the mood to do some extra work since you lost a few days of practice while getting transferred into another school. As you were about to try and do a backflip you heard a voice behind you…”Isn’t that a bit dangerous to do here?”…you thought to yourself “yeaaah…that’s probably true”. Then you went up and saw a maroon-haired boy in front of you.

“Ermmm, tnx”, you said, “do we know each other?”

“No…I just come here to chill and you seem to be interrupting my relaxation time.”, he said.

“Sorry, but, I think I came here first…pardon me, my lord”, you said in a laughing manner

“That’s ok”, he said and walked towards you

(wait…did he just except my fake apology?...is he a bit nuts?)

“Well…would you like me to take a bow as well.”, you answered in confusion

“If you insist, that would be ok…you look very pretty when you are bending like that all over the place, so I wouldn’t mind at all.”, he relied

You felt a bit shook up from the inside but decided not to show that. “Ok, prince charming, thank you for your compliments but there will be no more bending today. But if you like to see girls bend, you can freely come and watch the practice of gymnasts at my school.”

“Tell me which school and I’ll come over…”, he said

“Iwatobi, but I don’t respond for girls reactions. You might look like a pervert standing there on a side.”, you replied.

“Iwatobi…meh, I don’t go there a lot, don’t like the place all too much. But I might stop by if you ask me politely.”, the maroon-haired boy said with a smirk on his face

“Yeah can’t wait to plead you for something, my king. As much as I’m dying to do so…I’ll pass…”, you said smirking back

“Aren’t we feisty…I like that”, he said as he came closer and into your face. Your legs cut off a bit, this guy is a bit daring.

“Look, have to go now…if your majesty will excuse me”, you said sarcastically and stormed off the spot. The boy stood there with a confusion on his face that turned into a smirk at the end.

“Are all maroon-haired guys just basic idiots or what?”, you thought to yourself as you were heading back towards your school. When you got there it was the end of lessons and you were waiting in front for Hana and Gou. The girls came and asked why you weren’t in school today.

“Oh geez, If I would only tell you…after practice I managed to stain all my clothes with a juice and just had to go home to change. By the time I got home and everything it was too late to go class. So I just came to meet you instead.”, you said, lying really badly.

“That’s a bad luck, I hope you won’t get in trouble for it.”, Hana said and Gou just laughed.

“Yeah….that Gou kid got to me…”, you thought, “Shall we go for our walk before we meet the boys at their place?”, you suggested.

“Yeah, sure. Let’s go…by the way Gou, did you invite Rin in the end?”, Hana asked

“I did but he said he’s already running with the boys before the meal so he was about to come anyway.”, Gou said.

Rin Matsuoka x Reader - Play it safeWhere stories live. Discover now