The door opens and I immediately know that it is her. "Klark ....." I ignore her, continuing the drawing. "Princess." She sits next to me. "Hodness."

"What do you want?" I blurt out without looking at her.

"Are you mad?" The question only makes me angrier.

I glare at her and she bows her head, understanding perfectly. "Not at all."

"Well, I brought you your favorites." She hands me a box with my favorite sweets. "The children are already sleeping."

I take them, eating one. "Let it be the last time, Lexa kom Trikru, that you allow such behavior."

"Yes, dear." I roll my eyes, finishing the drawing.

She pouts at me and I please her, giving her a chaste kiss. "Is that tart flavor?"

"No?" She answers, starting to walk away. "I sleep on the couch, right?"

I sigh. Patience, God. Give me a little. "Yes."

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Four years later ....... ..

Lexa pov:

I watch Madi seriously train with other kids her age. She is quite good, maybe better than me at her age. She definitely inherited the character from both of her mothers. Charlie jumps into my arms, climbing on top of me. He's a restless ass, he always has to be doing something. He kisses my cheek and rests his head on my shoulder. In that he is similar to Clarke, who is just as loving and seeks physical contact most of the time.

Madi disarms the other boy, winning the fight. "Well done, Madi." She smiles at me running to my side, knowing it's time to go home.

"Mochof, Heda."

"Very well, champ. You are already too heavy so nomon can't carry you all the time. Down." I put him down and he looks at me sadly, taking my hand. "Your neck is stained." I bend down to clean the paint stain on his skin, tickling him.

He inherited my wife's artistic taste, painting daily with her. I love to watch them both immersed in their work, trying to always perfect them. I ruffle his blonde hair as we walk towards the tower. They both talk about everything they have done in the day, what they learned, how irritating Titus is, oh no, that's me.

The guards smile at us as we walk through the hallways. Finally we arrive at Clarke's studio, or rather her art room. We enter without knocking, finding her concentrated in a landscape. Charlie sneaks in ahead, watching with a critical eye as well. Madi stays by my side, both of us patiently waiting for them to finish. It is useless trying to convince them to go to dinner without finishing the painting.

Mother and son discuss the arrangements, both being satisfied. Clarke wipes her hands and kisses my lips, smiling sweetly at me. She takes Charlie's hand, not being able to carry him anymore, and we all head to the dining room together. This is where I really enjoy my family after a stressful day.

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Clarke pov:

I finally lay down on the bed, Lexa's strong arms wrapping me instantly. "How was the meeting?" I whisper, yawning during the question.

She yawns too, infected by me. "As you suppose, horribly. Luckily Anya returns with Raven in two days from Ton dc, at least she will give the war council some coherence."

"Mom called on the radio, asking when we will take her grandchildren to see their grandparents."

"Ughhh, I hate Arkadia. Especially after the day that you know." She says hiding more in my neck, making mention of the birth of Charlie.

"I don't like it either, but I miss my parents. Please." She looks at me trying to resist, but ends up sighing and agreeing. I kiss her lips chastely and we both smile. "I also want to see Octavia."

"Since she goes out with that Lincoln we don't see her much."

"No, hodness. I doubt that even Lincoln spends much time with her, the one who spends all her time is Indra."

"Ah, true she became her second."

"Anyway, when can we go?" I move, keeping my head at her height.

She closes her eyes, too tired to stay open. "I must finish this with the ambassadors and we can go for a few days. Otherwise, you and the kids should go alone."

"You know I like it better when you're by my side."

She approaches and joins us in a sweet kiss. "I am weak for you, Klark."

I smile. "I love you too, Lexa."


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So this is the end. I really hope you have enjoyed it.


Weak for you - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now