🎶We were up against the wall on the west mezzanine,

We rattle this town, we rattle this scene.

O, Anna Sun!

O, Anna Sun!

What do you know? This house is falling apart

What can I say? This house is falling apart

We got no money, but we got heart,

We're gonna rattle this ghost town.

This house is falling apart.🎶

The song ended and both girls collapsed back onto the couch, out of breath from dancing around for so long. Carly looked over at Deanna and giggled, scrunching up her nose when she smiled. Deanna couldn't remember the last time she'd had this much fun. Pure, innocent fun. She'd missed that. Carly brought out a side of her that she never knew she had.

"See, now wasn't that better than happy birthday?" Deanna raised an eyebrow at the younger girl. Carly laughed even harder, grabbing a pillow and burying her face in it. "I'll take that as a yes," Deanna joked.

"You are fun," Carly giggled, looking up at the older girl. Deanna's heart fluttered and she had to turn away to hide how red her cheeks had grown. Carly had this effect on her that she couldn't explain.

"Same goes to you," Deanna smile, pushing herself up off the couch. "Are you hungry?" Carly nodded furiously at Deanna.

"I'll make us waffles, then," Deanna nodded and headed into the kitchen. She gathered the ingredients she would need and placed them all on the counter. Carly didn't follow her, but Deanna assumed she was still watching the sunset. She mixed the batter and poured the first small amount into the waffle iron, flipping it and setting the timer.

"They're cooking right n-," Deanna froze when she walked back into the living room and saw Carly standing in front of the easel with a paintbrush in her hand. "What are you doing?" she asked frantically, running over to the small girl.

Carly turned around and pointed to the canvas. "More pink," she motioned back and forth from the sky to the painting. Deanna narrowed her eyes, looking where Carly had added a few extra streaks of pink. It actually didn't look too bad. She'd been expecting a tornado of colors.

"Not too bad," Deanna smiled softly, taking the paintbrush from Carly and setting it down. "But next time, ask me before you add something, okay?" Carly nodded softly.


"Waffles?" the small girl asked, wandering off into the kitchen. Deanna laughed at how easily she flowed from subject to subject, and quickly followed her.

"This one's almost done," she checked the timer on the waffle iron, flipping it over and grabbing a plate. She used a fork to peel the waffle out and plopped it down onto the plate. Sliding the plate across the counter to Carly, she grabbed the syrup and passed it over as well.

Carly clapped her hands excitedly and popped open the syrup bottle. Deanna went to work on pouring more mix into the machine and setting the timer. When she looked back up, Carly had completely drenched her plate in syrup, and was now eating the waffle with her hands, peeling small pieces off and popping them into her mouth.

"So I'm guessing you haven't had waffles in a while, huh?" Deanna sighed, shaking her head at the girl, who now had syrup all over her hands and dribbling down her chin. Carly only giggled and smiled widely, with a mouthful of food.

The timer went off, signifying that Deanna's waffle was done. She tossed it onto a plate and poured a small puddle of syrup on the side of her plate.

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