Eya and Ivy exchanged glances. Neither one of them knew what they were supposed to do. Sighing softly, Eya motioned towards the door.

"Go ahead, she doesn't need to be there when you buy her clothes," Eya said. "Just get whatever you think she needs, I'll stay here with her."

Ivy nodded silently. Eya scooted closer to Carly and slowly reached out to place a hand on the small girl's back. Carly continued crying, and the two roommates felt completely powerless. Sighing, Ivy grabbed her purse and gave Eya one last sympathetic wave before slipping out the door.


For the next hour, no matter what Eya said, Carly continued crying. Eya sat quietly next to her, even considering texting Deanna for help a few times. But she refrained, knowing it was a bad idea.

"My Didi," Carly whispered, looking up slowly and scanning the apartment. Eya glanced over at the girl, whose cheeks were now tear stained. Carly looked pleadingly at her.

"Deanna's at school right now, Carly," Eya sighed. There was no way she could fix that problem for the other girl. She saw the look of disappointment on Carly's face. Without another word, Carly crawled to her feet and shuffled up the stairs. Confused, Eya followed close behind.

Carly tiptoed into Deanna's room and went straight for the bed. Eya peeked her head in the door, finding the smaller girl nestled under the covers. Sighing heavily, Eya closed the door to Deanna's bedroom to try and give Carly some peace and quiet.


Meanwhile, Deanna was aimlessly scrolling through her phone in the library of her college. She had a 20 minute break in between classes and never knew how to occupy her time. While scrolling through Facebook, she saw a familiar face on her 'Recommended Friends' list.

She quickly clicked on the user's profile, recognizing Sydney Marx as one of the volleyball player that Carly was friends with in high school. Deanna had never thought of contacting them before.

For some odd reason, she felt guilty for looking through Carly's past life. But she decided that she needed some sort of explanation for how Carly had ended up on their doorway. Sydney's profile was public, so Deanna began scrolling through her photos.

Carly wasn't featured in anything recent, but Deanna finally recognized the younger girl's face in an album of photos from the first party of the summer, celebrating their high school graduation. Deanna and her roommates hadn't been present. They were already on the road to New York.

It was obvious that everyone at the party was either drunk or high. Or both. Deanna bit her lip as she scrolled through the pictures, going back even earlier. She found pictures of Carly with the volleyball team, smiling brightly. Deanna got the chills from looking at these photos and thinking just how different Carly seemed, compared to how she'd been in high school.

She paused on a certain picture, though, raising her eyebrows. It was a picture of all the volleyball players and their boyfriends, Carly included. Deanna had completely forgotten that Carly was dating someone at the time that they graduated. She furrowed her eyebrows together, thinking for a moment. What was his name? Scott?

His name had been Scott, Deanna remembered. She crinkled her nose at the mention of his name, wondering when he and Carly had ended.

She reached the end of Sydney's photos, and slumped back in her chair. She was still dying for information. Checking the time, Deanna realized she had ten minutes left until she had to leave for her next class. Gathering her things, she made her way over to the computer in the corner of the library.

Taking a deep breath, convincing herself that this was the right thing to do, Deanna opened a new tab and started hesitantly at the screen. A few moments later, she typed 'Carly Hernandez' into the search bar and hit enter before she could change her mind.

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