I close my eyes . Oh god !

"Why are they out ? It's cold outside ." Beam whispers to me while peeking at them .

Ok ! Enough !

3rd person's pov :

Beam stops as he feels Forth hand sliding on his waist from his back . "The fuck , Forth ?"

"Stop moving . Otherwise , don't blame me ." Forth whispers from his back .

Beam tilts his shoulder as Forth's breath hits his ear "ok ok ! Stop talking .. they will hear us ."


Beam's pov :

Dammn . This pervert . Never leave a chance to flirt with anybody . I mean , ok ! I get it that he needed to stop me from moving . But he could just say that to me . There was no need to hold me like that ..

And why whisper to my ear like that . I got goosebumps . I mean ... I ..I know , I am not gay .. but ..my ear is ..sensitive . Yeah ! It's that .

And now he is ... oh god ! I need to stop his pervert .

"Forth , why are you resting your head on my shoulder ?" I hiss at him clodly . "And leave my waist . I will not move . Dammn , leave me , Forth ."

"I am tired . Wake me up , when they enters the room .."

"What are you two doing here ?"

And I hear my Father's voice . What a good day this is .


3rd person's pov :

"Those bushes look weird . Was Humbu playing there ? " Derek , Forth's father asks to Mary , his wife .

Mary frowns "no ! He is sleeping since morning . Wait .. look . There is a cellphone on the ground . Someone is there .."

Derek frowns harder . He stands up from his chair and walks towards the bushes .

"Wait ! Don't go alone . We are going .." all of them runs behind Derek .


"What are you doing here ?" Bek asks his son as he sees his son in a weird position with his friends son . The fuck !

" Huh ! " Beam widen his eyes . He pushes Forth from his back and Forth smashed another rose pot .

"Beam ! Forth ! What are you two doing here ?" Mary asks this time .

"We ... we are ... " Beam looks at Forth with a look of 'say-something.'

Forth frowns "ummm ... we ..are ..

"What ?" Bek asks again .

"We ...a re playing... hide and seek ." Forth replies .

"Huh ? With whom ? Both of you are hiding .." Mary asks again .

"With ... with ... " Forth looks at Beam .

"With girls ." Beam adds hurriedly "some girls followed us here ."

"Yes ! Yes ! " Forth nods .

But their parents frown harder than ever "then why didn't you two enter the house ?"

"We didn't want to bother you . You were planning the wedding ." Beam replies fast .


"Cool ! Super cool ! What a good excuse ! Girls followed us !" Forth throws his both hands in air "now , congratulations , both of us are grounded till the wedding and all thanks to you ."

Both of them are now in Forth's bedroom . Beam is sitting on bed with a big pout while Forth is shouting at him .

"You had any better idea ? You were just sluttering like a baby .. oollloo ollooo we tar taying tide nd teekk ..." Beam mocks with a annoyed face .

"Don't you dare ! You are the one who came up with girls .. not me . Fucking girls everywhere . And you blame me for thinking with my dick ! " Forth shouts "you don't even think ."

Beam pouts harder " if I wouldn't think , then Why would I be here ? I was trying to help both of us ."

Forth smiles mockingly " Congratulations again , they said we are similar . One life's choices are same .. We get along well more that our siblings ."

Beam huffs "don't talk to me like that . Even my parent don't talk to me like that . They don't even shout ." Beam's eyes becomes teary "I don't like this type of tone . You are a bad husband ."

Forth facepalms "are you serious Beam ? Are you a baby girl ? "

"I don't care if you think of me as a baby girl , but you can't shout at me . I have never been shouted by anybody . It's making me sad . I don't know why .." Beam sniffs .

Forth frowns "seriously ?"

Beam stays silent on bed looking down .

Forth sighs "I .. I am sorry . I didn't mean all the words I have said . Just I was a little upset . I had a hiking trip with boys ."

"I had plans too with Pha and Kit ."

"Ah ... yeah ! I am sorry ! Don't cry .." Forth sits beside Beam .

Beam nods "I am upset , not to cry level . But I am crying because if mom comes here to call me ..

........Then I will say that you hurt me ."

"WTF ?" Forth shouts again .

"We need to prove you are a bad husband ." Beam sniffs again .

"What ...the .. wait . Why I am a bad husband ? Why not you ?"

" Because , you shouted at me now and you have hurt my heart . I am not lying ."

Forth growls "you are !.. my mom will burry me if you report on me .. "

Beam looks at Forth with his glossy eyes .
"Don't worry . We will hurt each other time to time . And now we are grounded too . We will have more time .

Forth frowns .

"Next time , I will hit you and you will report on me . Ok ?"


A / n : it was a pre-written chapter .

Whatever ,
In my stories ... (always)

Beam's mother : Ersia Barame .
Beam's father : Bek Barame .
Beam's sister : Persia Barame .
(If any )

Forth's mother : Mary Jaturaphoom .
Forth's father : Derek Jaturaphoom .

Humbu : was one of my favourite cat . I have never loved a cat more than him . Though , I was not owner of him . He was an unique lover boy cat . 

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