Chapter Nine: Bestie 4Eva!

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Aaron POV

All of us are at the Dino Museum Dino Café. Me, and Shelby walked to the table where the others were at, and laughing at Erin's joke. "Erin, is awesome." Tyler said. "Yup, that's why we've been bestie since kindergarten." Shelby said.

"I was just telling them about that Dinosaur Song from school, remember? What a riot." Erin said. "Wait, wait. Life is like a Triceratops." Shelby started to sing. "And you know I love you Tricera-lot." Erin sang.

"That's it." Shelby said. "Right after, I wrote that song. We won that talent show, we did. We were like Rockstar right, Shelby?" Erin said. "Uh, yeah, that's a great song. One minute till my shift's over, and let's go have some fun." Shelby said. Me, Shelby, and Chase begin cleaning up the table.

"So, the Triceratops song, Erin's into dinosaurs too?" Chase questioned. "That's not her song." I said. "Actually, it's my Triceratops song. We sing it in the talent contest, and won first place, immediately she started telling everyone, that she wrote it." Shelby said.

"Yup, she thinks of her, more than everything, but she's still my bestie. Come on." Shelby said. "Okay." Chase said. "Let's go." I said.

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All of us are now outside at the park. "Hey, guys. My treat, I got one for each of you." Erin said, as she hands the others their ice cream cone. Chase stood next to Me, and Shelby. "Uh, her treat? I payed for those." Chase said. Me, and Shelby took an Ice Cream Cone from Chase. "Told ya." Shelby said. I hummed in agreement.

We saw a Spikeball stealing someone's groceries. "It's a Spikeball- Uh, everyone get to safety." Shelby said. All of us begin running around, and disappeared.

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We appeared in front of Spikeball, Morphed.

"Stop right there!" Ivan said.

"You better add 'Getting Destroyed' to your shopping list! Let's get him!" Tyler said.

All of us begin fighting Spikeball.

"Where you going with those groceries?" Chase said.

"It goes where it belongs!" Spikeball said.

"How about my foot!" Shelby said, as she kicks him.

He fell to the ground, and the groceries went flying.

"No, Heckyl's gonna be furious! You've destroyed my cinnamon, now I'll destroy you!" Spikeball said.

"Cinnamon? This guy is crazy!" Shelby said.

We continued fighting Spikeball.

We kicked Spikeball aside.

"Dino Morpher Blast! Final Strike!" All of us shouted, as we fired at Spikeball, and defeated him.

All of us cheered and went back to the Dino Museum.

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We got back to the Dino Café. "Erin?" Shelby called. "She's not here?" Tyler said. "I find Erin." Koda said, as we went to the screen. It's a news report showing Erin, and her saying that she's the Pink Ranger. "You have got to be kidding me." Shelby said. A person shushed her. "I can't believe Erin would do this." Tyler said.

Suddenly people in the Dino Café surrounds Erin when she walks in. Shelby brought Erin to the kitchen so they could talk.

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