"What?" Deanna's eyes widened and she turned her head to make sure Riri wasn't kidding. "Glass?"

"Yup," Riri nodded once, popping the 'p.' "She had to clean it out and everything." Riri wiped the condensation off the passenger side window as Deanna slowly circled around the back of the park. "The weird thing is, is that Eya said it looked like Carly put her shoes on over the glass."

"What the heck?" Deanna shook her head, becoming more and more confused at the situation they'd been put in. "This is so weird."

Riri just nodded in agreement. "Well she's here now, and there's not much more we can do besides make sure she doesn't accidentally burn down the apartment."

"I don't see her," Deanna said quietly. They'd just circled the whole park without a trace of Carly. Both girls looked at each other and Riri motioned for Deanna to get out of the car. The  girl raised an eyebrow.

"Why me?"

"You're the one who left her out here in the first place," Riri send Deanna an incriminating look. The taller girl did have a point.

"She's not my responsibility," Deanna argued. She crossed her arms and glared out the window. This was bothering her. She was starting to feel bad for Carly. She would have never expected that to happen. "She probably deserves to be out in the rain. Or worse."

"You don't mean that, Deans," Riri reached over and placed a hand on her roommate's shoulder. "She's... different," Deanna thought for a moment. "You and I both know that she's not the same person she was a few years ago."

"Yeah," Deanna rolled her eyes. "At least a few years ago she knew that we weren't friends," she mumbled. Riri glared at her and Deanna held her hands in the air, as if she were surrendering. "Fine, okay, fine, I'll go." She reached over the backseat, feeling around on the floor. Her eyebrows furrowed together. "Where's my umbrella?"

"I think Ivy borrowed it last week."

"Well great," Deanna muttered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "You owe me for this, Riri." Riri smiled teasingly at her, and Deanna took one last look at the other girl before pushing her car door open and planting her feet on the wet asphalt.

It was pouring.

The rain was pounding against her car, sounding like a chorus of drums marching down the street. She closed the car door quickly and brought her hands up to shield her eyes from the torrential downpour. Deanna had never, in a million years, imagined she'd be doing something like this just to help Carly Hernandez. In fact, she probably thought she'd be the one to leave the girl out in the pouring rain as revenge. But now, the tables had turned.

Riri gave her a thumbs up from inside the warmth of the car. Deanna flicked her off in return, before pushing her wet hair out of her face and hopping up onto the sidewalk. She decided the best idea would be to go to the last place she'd seen Carly. Just as she set foot on the asphalt pathway, a loud clap of thunder caused her to jump.

Deanna told herself she was running because she wanted to get out of the rain as soon as possible. She couldn't possibly be running because she was worried, right? Deanna shook the thought out of her brain and skidded to a stop by the bench where she'd left Carly. She nearly fell over from the momentum, considering the ground was already slippery.

She looked around, finding no sign of the girl. "Carly!?" she called, cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice travel further. She listened for a few seconds, trying to pick out any responses in the pouring rain. After a few moments with no response, Deanna began scanning the surrounding area.

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