Chapter 11 - Wolf In The School

Start from the beginning

Jongin jumped on the vampire and bit his shin. The paled man winced and kicked him. 

Jongin winced. The paled man growled and quickly attack, but Jongin was too quick for him. 

He took his chance to jump on him again, attacking the shoulder. The vampire tried to take Jongin down. 

Hana heard the wold whimpered. She covered her ears and started to rock back and forth. 

Telling herself that everything's going to be okay. 

Jongin bit the vampire on the neck while he got scratched. Jongin winced and flew back. 

The vampire winced and glared. 

"You'll pay for this." The Vampire suddenly disappeared. 

Jongin carefully got up and went to Hana, who was hiding in the corner. 

He carefully walked up to her, even though he's hurt. Hana didn't notice he was there. 

Jongin softly nudged her. Hana slowly look at the wolf with tears.

She noticed the wolf was injured. She was about to touch it until...

"There's a wolf in the school!'' the janitor shouted. 

Jongin quickly looked to his left, seeing the janitor ran off. 

He growled and softly looked at Hana. 

When all of a sudden, Hana started to have flashbacks. 


Little Wolf!!! You're back!!

Hana winced at that and Jongin noticed. 

"Look! A wolf!" the janitor shouted again. 

For Jongin, he wants to stay with Hana. But he couldn't

Hana winced and suddenly blacked out. Jongin looked at Hana with concern.

He ran off before the principal came. 

"Where's the wolf?" the principal asked. 

"It...It was just here, sir." the janitor replied. 

The principal sighed and noticed Hana was lying on the ground. 

The principal quickly went to her and checked her pulse. 

"Her pulse is normal. She just blacked out." he said. 

He then carried her, bridal style. 

"Clean up the mess, will ya?" The Principal said to the janitor. 

The janitor nodded. 

The prinicpal was about to leave, but...

"Sir, there is actually a wolf. I saw it with my own eyes." said the janitor.

The principal sighed and turned to him. 

"Maybe it's just your imaginary. A wolf couldn't just come into the school." he said. 

The janitor looked down at the ground. 

The principal walked away while carrying Hana to the nurse room. 

"Aish, I swear. I saw it." the janitor mumbled as he cleaned up the mess. 

Little did he know...Jongin was hiding. He listened to the conversation between the principal and the janitor. 

Most of all....he's injured. 

He quietly winced and put pressure on his injury. 


What's a vampire doing here anyway? Jongin thought. 

The Wolf And His Beauty (EXO KAI LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now