Infinity do we call???

My Co worker just Got news,He got You're FB acc

Later on...

When I went home I Got up and Start Finding You're Account

And there it was...

Nikko Clark Dela torres

As I Checked you're Account
There I saw

You were in a relationship??
I-i thought you were single aren't you?

As I saw The sweet loving moment's of you two

My world suddenly Broke apart Leaving nothing to me but pain

I don't know how do Should I feel
Cause'I know I do not have the rights  to feel betrayed cause there were never an


I knew you loved her too much Judging by how you Publicly Show You Two' Loving moments

My Heart shattered I felt like Everything was ruined I didn't know what to do If Ever I confront him?

But I wasn't in the place to do that Cause he was never mine neither I was his,

I didn't know anymore

I'll probably let go or forget?but how???his All of me

I don't know how to get diattacched


I just slept that night with big thoughts,But All I know was Once I wake up from This I Will have to Let go of this F feelings and Emotions,

I don't want to ruin any relationship.



Nov. Twenty ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now