Well, that brought down the excitement a little bit.

He walked towards the direction of Lake Hylia. He at least wanted to see Central Hyrule and what it was like in this time. And he did plan to go to Gerudo Town to explore his home.

He eventually reached the Great Bridge only to be surprised and want to turn back.

There was no settlement here.

"Well, of course not. The Great Bridge settlement did not come around until a thousand years after my death." the Hyrule Warrior explained.

What about Gerudo Town? Link asked.

"Ha. I'll let you figure that out on your own." the ancient hero scoffed.

Link walked across the bridge and into the Central Hyrule region. Now this felt more familiar. He was in Gateway Town and the East Post. But this was a very busy version of the town.

It was hard to believe that he was nearly two thousand years in the past.

He continued walking alongside the Great Plateau towards the Gerudo Canyon and the desert he grew- or will grow up in.


Two days passed since Link had arrived in the past. It was the month following the death of the Hyrule Warrior. Many people did not know or even so much as have the idea that another hero from the future was in their presence.

Link was camped out at the Gerudo Canyon Stable for the night. He was talking to a woman who was also staying there for the night.

"So where are you from, voe?" the woman asked Link.

"Gerudo Town. Born and raised there." the hero answered.

The Gerudo lady started laughing rather loudly. "You are quite funny. According to my vaba, no voe has been born in the town in over ten thousand years. And no voe are allowed in the town." she informed Link.

What? he wondered.

"Wasn't the Hyrule Warrior living in Gerudo Town before he died?" Link asked.

She cringed slightly. "No. He lived in Gerudo Settlement. He was the only male as well as King Ganondorf and their son Jaylin allowed in the main town." she answered.

Does that mean Ganon really is your descendant? Link wondered.

"Yes and no. Maritally, yes. But by blood, no. He is not my descendant by blood because Ganondorf was the one who found a surrogate mother to carry Jaylin until he was born. I wanted a child that was related to at least one of his parents but I was appalled to even think about doing anything unfaithful to anyone other than Ganondorf." he explained with a tone hinting at possible laughter.

"Well, it is getting late. Sav'otta." Link said politely.

"Sav'saaba, young voe. Don't get into any trouble with the Gerudo, now." she walked away into the stable, leaving Link to his thoughts.

It was weird to grasp that concept. Men were not allowed within Gerudo Town at the time. That could only mean that he would not be seeing his hometown any time soon.

"You know, there IS a way to get in. But that depends on how comfortable you are with wearing women's clothes." the voice of the hero said.

I'm sure I'll live. Tell me your idea. Link requested.

"Out near Gerudo Settlement- I trust you know where that is- there is a merchant that sells Gerudo lady clothing. Go find them." the hero ordered.

Link walked out through the desert gateway and relished the sand beneath his feet. It had been weeks since he had felt the desert again. He walked along the path until he reached Kara Kara Bazaar.

That's when he saw the weirdest thing ever. His eyes widened at the sight.

He could see Gerudo Town and Gerudo Settlement off in the distance. But there wasn't a single trace of the Urbotam River flowing between the bazaar and the main town.

"There was no such thing as bodies of water in the Gerudo Desert in this time. Your alleged river had formed over the last thousand and a half years. Same with the lake you think about a lot. In this time, nothing but sand." the hero informed Link.

So that answered his question about Rujia Lake. It was nothing but sand as well.

Well, let's go see Gerudo Town first. I want to see what happens. the hero thought curiously.

"By all means. But you will not get inside." he responded.

He walked along the path towards the town in the distance. As he approached, the guards readied their spears and narrowed their eyes.

As soon as he got close, they blocked the way with their spears.

"Halt. No voe allowed in town. It is Gerudo law that-" the guard to the left began.

"-that no voe are allowed in town and only vai are permitted entry. I know." Link finished.

"Then why are you here. And how are you this fluent in the Gerudo language?" the guard asked.

"I will be born and raised here in around two thousand years. I'm from the future. I'm also the next hero of Hyrule." he explained calmly.

The guard snorted. "The future, huh? Also, prove to me you are- or will be the next hero."

He pulled out the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield. The guard raised an eyebrow. Link rolled his eyes and showed her his hand. The Triforce of Courage glowed brightly on the back of it, signaling his heroism.

Both of their eyes widened. They stepped aside and allowed him entrance.

"You are granted entrance, future hero. Make your business quick." the guard ordered with awe.

He walked in and went straight to his and Ganon's house. He knocked on the door. It opened and an older looking man answered.

"Yes?" then he saw Link. "A voe? You aren't a child of my descent so who are you?"

"I'm Link. I will be the next hero of Hyrule. I'm from two thousand years in the future." he responded, looking at the old man.

"I'm Jaylin. I'm the son of the Hyrule Warrior and Ganondorf. Well, if you tell the truth of your future life... please, please, come in." Jaylin requested politely.

The Legend of Zelda: The Desert HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now