10 - The Past

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𝕐/𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕠𝕧



"Mom! Dad! What are you doing? Can I help?" the younger Y/n  asked. "Of course!" said her mother "Bring your sister home from school alright?" "Ok" as she walked out to find her sister she saw a white fox. It looked at her and she walked closer to the fox "Hello" she said to that fox. The fox continued to look at her. Giggling she remembered the reason she came out "I will be back okay?" and she took off to find her sister.




"She can see me..." said the girl who had green eyes and blonde hair "She's not close to death is she?"




Y/n went back to home after finding her sister. "I'm home with sis!" "Im back mom dad with y/n!". "Welcome Home!" their mom said. "Mom, people hate y/n...they act like they forget her" her sister said defending her little sister. "I'm fine onee-san! You don't need to worry about me..." Y/n tried to smile. But she didn't convince them. "Y/n just tell us if you have a problem alright?" her mom said "We are trying to help you...I know you're 13 and I know you're independent but...you still have me to talk to alright?". "Alright..." she smiled like nothing ever happened. But they didn't know what happened on the next day...

"What do you mean he's gone?" Y/n was scared. "He's dead..." Her teacher said. "No...it can't be he couldn't leave without telling me..." she said "T-take me to him! I know that you're number 5 of the mysteries" she said. "No...can't do there are rules..." "But...I can" said a voice. "...Miyu-sama this girl still has-" no. 5 tried to stop the Miyu-sama. "Don't ruin the fun Tsuchigomori" she said "I'm not killing her or taking her to the other side~" "T-then what are you going to do to me?" asked Y/n. "I'll make you my successor" she said excitedly "It's was about time to get one because I was against the rules so you can be my successor!". "Okay then...It also means I can see him, right?" Y/n asked. "Hm...it depends...Hana can be secretive when it comes to her successor...so I don't know but when he's the new Hanako-san...You'll be able to see him"  Miyu said. "Ok!"

flash back ended

"I remembered something...I guess I've been to focused on you I forgot her..." Y/n said. "Who are you talking about N/n?" Amane asked. "Miyu-san of course..." I replied. "Miyu? I don't know her..." Amane said. "Well do you know Hanaaaaaaa then?" I said in a teasing tone. "O-of course I do! I'm her successor!" he was red. "We~ll I'm Miyu's successor..." I said "But before even 4 months...she got exorcised...". "...I'm sorry for asking" Amane apologized "Amane you big dummy I'm fine~" I smiled and it seemed that he believed me. "Uh...I guess I will leave then?" Sensei said. "Ah! I forgotten about you! Gomen then" I said. "Oh...ok then" Sensei looked at us. "I've got a class I need to plan so bye..." and with that he left.

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