18 - Summer Vacation

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𝕐𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠'𝕤 ℙ𝕠𝕧

It's been a long time since Hanako-kun and the other supernaturals were gone...I wonder what they are up to.....Or Aoi...or..Kou-kun...I can't get sleep because every day and night I've been thinking about Hanako...I cry. The doorbell rang and my mother got the door then she called out "Nene-chan! Your friends are here!" . "Alright." I came to the door to find..."Eh!? Minamoto-senpai and...Akane-kun!?" I said. "Hey! Good morning Yashiro-san...Sorry for coming suddenly but...are you free today?" Minamoto-senpai asked. "Yes I am..." I replied. "That's great! Would you like to go on a date with me?"


Then we got dragged around by Minamoto-senpai


"Yashiro-san! Aoi! Look a tower of candy! The thing with the salmon! A real crane game! I've always wanted to try this!" Minamoto-senpai's really into these stuff i guess. "It's fun isn't it?" I said. "Well...I'm from an exorcist family remember? And since all the supernaturals are gone so I finally have a day off" he said. "Akane-kun..." I said. He hummed as a reply. "About what happened to Hanako...and Aoi....." I said. "Oh yeah...I heard...your lifespan extended didn't it?" he said. Then a lobster was behind us. "You two shouldn't be gloomy. You guys should play too!" Minamoto-senpai said. He toss us a bunch of plushies. "Crane games are surprisingly fun!" he said. "What a big catch" Akane-kun said. "But I didn't want that many!" he said. "Then don't dump it on other people!" Akane-kun said. "Let's go to karaoke next!~" Minamoto-senpai said.


Then we got dragged by Minamoto-senpai again


"So this is how a karaoke looks like! So how do I sing with this?" Minamoto-senpai asked. Akane-kun explains it to him. "Yashiro-san what do you want?" he asked me. "Ah...I'll have some tea" I replied. Then he found a sugar toast and he ordered it. "Do you want something too Yashiro-san?" he asked me. "Ah! No it's fine" I replied. To think that I've actually went out with Minamoto-senpai...When Aoi's back I'll tell her all about it...and I'll brag to Hanako...As...if they...

"You're really weak to hot guys huh Yashiro" 

"So it was a date? That's great Nene-chan!"

A tear fell. "Alright! I'll wash my hands now! Aoi look after Yashiro-san alright?" Minamoto-senpai must have noticed me. "Wait what do you mean look a-" he probably saw me "-fter her..." he said. I was crying. "Hey...what's wrong Yashiro-san?" He asked me. "I-I don't know what to do...about Hanako-kun....and Aoi..." I said. He then suddenly said "Sorry I won't be comforting you..." . "I'm sorry for crying all of the sudden..." I said. "I...made a promise to Ao-chan...that I'll take her to the zoo once this was all over...So I definitely won't give up." he said. "Won't you cooperate with me?" "Alright..." I replied. "Yashiro-san...what happened to Y/n-chan?" he asked me. ".....I will tell you later...I think Minamoto-senpai would want to know too..." I said. Then the waiter gave us the things that Minamoto-senpai ordered. "What are we going to do with this?" he asked. I started chomping it down. Then Minamoto-senpai had came back. "Wow! Yashiro-san has became a hamster!" he said. "Well...you're the one who made the outrageous order..." Akane-kun said. "Ah...Well...Yashiro-san you feel better?" he asked me. I nodded. "Good...are you guys free tonight?" he asked both of us. "More or less..." I answered. "Yeah..." Akane-kun said. Good...Let's go to my place...You guys have something you want to talk about right?" he said.

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