Gone away

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+++++Lancy lance++++

"Woah what is that thing" i say looking at what just crashed "i don't know but i think it might be what is sending these codes and messages we need to get down there but we need a distraction" POW! And explosion ripples through the area "there's a distraction" i say "ya for him" hunk points to a person in a red jacket i yank the binoculars from Pidge "oh no way its Keith!" I say "Uh you sure lance?" hunk questions me "OH YA i recognize that mullet ANYWHERE" I run to the mysterious ship "WHOS KEITH?!" pidge yells as he runs behind me and hunk trails we run into the ship and i see Keith and AISURU???! I THOUGHT HE WAS LIKE DEAD "nope nope nonononono im saving Shiro" Keith looks at me as i grab Shiros other arm "and who are you?" he asks "the names lance" blink blink blink "you were in the same class at the garrison Keith he was always trying to 'figure me out' remember" Aisuru did air quotes as he said figure me out "ya theres always something off about you" I say "OH yaaaa I remember you're the cargo pilot" Keith says "im fighter class now that you dropped out" he rolls his eyes "good for you" "can you two get along for like ten minutes so we can figure out what to do from here" aisuru says sounding like my mami for a bit "hes right guys we need to get outta here" theres pounding at the door "AND FAST" pidge yells we run out the back and pile on keiths floaty thing as we bolt it outta there "CAN THIS THING GO ANY FASTER THEIR CATCHING UP" Keith still staring at the road rolls his eyes again "we could toss off some non essential weight" i look around "great idea" i pause "oh wait that was supposed to be an insult ok" i look back ahead "IS THAT A CLIFF" i yell and Aisuru wraps his arms around keith burying his face in his back bracing for whatever was about to happen keith blushes why?? "Uh hu" and he jumps the gap

========back to Kristen======

I hold onto Keith tighter as the wind flows through the hair of my wig "WOOOOHOO" I yell happily as we glide soon a ship hovers over us and grabs me "KEITH!!" I yell and he grabs my hands "KRISTEN DONT LET GO" tears pour down my face like a waterfall as our grip gets weaker I squeeze his hands as tight as I could "KEEP HOLDING ON" "I CANT" my tears flow faster clouding my vision "KEITH" I let out a blood curdling scream and my wig goes flying off "KRISTEN NO!" Keith yells that was the last thing I heard from him the last thing I saw.. tears flowing down his face trying to reach for me as he collapsed in fear and depression then a hand went around my neck and all went black 

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