You're Stressing Over Finals

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Prompt: You're working on/stressing over finals



- I actually hc that Sock is super smart academically so he'll be of some help

- Will read notes to you and praise you if you answer correctly

- Usually I imagine for these preferences that Sock is alive

- But if you wanna go down the ghost/demon route

- He's there in the class with you during finals telling you the answers if you need to

- He doesn't condone cheating at all

- But if you can't do it and you do puppy eyes he'll do it

- For you 💗


- Bitch he's in school too, he's got finals too

- Ya'll are studying together

- If you two have the same class they you guess study that together and probably copy the notes from each other

- If you need help studying for a different class then he'll do his best to help

- Most likely reading off vocabulary or parts of info that you need to finish off


- Condones cheating

- But if you genuinely wanna study and be able to answer for yourself then he'll help you

- For history, you've got it in the bag with him

- He's an immortal biblical being who has been around longer than the earth

- He knows all the history in the world

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