Chapter 2 (Sehun ft. Chanyeol, Baek, Chen)

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Sehun's POV

I have had a crush on this one girl for a while now. She was a beginning trainee when I first saw her...

I heard her singing, which lured me to the practice room. It wasn't extremely good singing, but something was very special about it. It was.... somewhat moving. I looked in and saw her. She wasn't any prettier than the other k-pop idol girls, but she had something about her which really caught my attention.

I don't think she noticed me but ever since, I have been watching her. Okay that seems stalker-ish........ but my eyes just followed her whenever she was around.

When I heard about her debuting as xxx, I was very happy for her. At the same time, I felt slightly sad because until then, only I knew her talent. Now everyone will know.

All over the SM building xxx posters were pinned up. I walked passed one with Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen.

"Hey it's the new group, xxx!" Chanyeol stopped to have a look so we all stopped and surrounded it. I acted as if it didn't really bother me. "She looks hot." He said, pointing at Mina with her sexy legs and blonde hair.

"I think she looks better." Baekhyun giggled and pointed at Hyemi with her big boobs. I felt relieved and frustrated at them for not seeing the charm of Y/N.... Then Chen pointed at Y/N, "I think she is my favourite." He said. I felt uneasy.

"What about you Sehun-ah?" Chanyeol asked me. I pointed at Y/N. "Oh really?" He looked confused.

Today, we saw xxx's live performance for the first time. I felt proud because they looked fantastic. My heart pounded so much at Y/N's solo part. When I wanted to concentrate on looking at her, Chanyeol tapped my shoulder. I turned to him, annoyed. "Wow, she can sing.... I think she is my favourite too." He whispered to me which annoyed me even more! YOU SAID MINA WAS HOT. I looked around and all the exo members seemed engaged, amazed at the performance.

The performances are now all finished. We are back in our waiting room.

"I'm going to take a shower now before leaving!" Baekhyun says heading for the door.

"Me too!" Chaneyeol follows, and I also follow, grabbing on to his shoulder. Walking down the hallway I spot a figure walking towards us........ it's Y/N. My heart says yehet but I look down. I feel so shy around her... "Hey it's Y/N!" Baekhyun points out. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh

I feel so jealous seeing Chanyeol and Baekhyun complimenting her..... Why can't I be like that too? She is blushing....... I look away.

"I'll look forward to seeing more from xxx! Good-luck." Baekhyun says, tapping her shoulder, followed by Chanyeol... don't touch herrrrrrrr!! We walk away.

"THANK YOU!! I will work hard!" She calls out, looking totally exited. Her smile..... STOP KILLING MY HEART!

"She's so cute." Baekhyun says as we turn...... Why do I feel so angry?

I wish I could be more brave and casual around her!! I can talk to all other girls finely... just not her.


Thank you for reading!!!!

I hope I didn't bore you...............

Please vote/comment to encourage my poor un-confident heart </3


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