Chapter 5 | Rowan The Dragon

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Rowan took Jim along with them.

It was early now. Rowan had been driving for a few hours. The sun lit the sky the smallest amount for the Busstepper to see. Annie, Liana and Jim were fast asleep at the front of the bus, but Evan and Micheal stayed up playing rummy and bullshit.
"Do you really not know what we're doing here?" Micheal asked Evan.
"I do know we're not here to play a song." Evan said, "How much do you know about the choir?"
"I only heard stories. Why how much happened?" Michael asked.
"Well. When me and Rowan first joined, we had a laugh with the boys and soon, we started pranking each other. And over time these pranks would get more and more extreme. Beetroot in the shower, coffee in tea bags, the circle game."
"The circle game?" Micheal asked quietly.
Evan made an okay with his hand and put it below his waist and got Micheal. He chuckled and Micheal understood.
"Well. I kept telling him to stop, but Rowan kept on." Evan continued, "With Geoffrey. If I didn't know better I'd say they were flirting, how they teased each other. I left, I just about managed to get out the cult that is Boys On Tour. But Rowan didn't. He had a laugh, but from what I heard, he made a lot of enemies. They got sick of him. They marooned Rowan at a service station. The furthest station from any town or city."
"I heard about the marooning." Micheal said, "But why'd they do it?"
"I don't know," Evan whispered, "but he must have done something very horrible or very stupid. Or both. He changed, and I can only imagine what he did to get himself marooned like that. Anyway, then he came back. And we're all part of some revenge plot I'm sure he's working up."
"Damn. But I heard how he escape the service station as well." Micheal said huddled down behind seats to make sure Rowan couldn't hear them.
"You have? How?" Evan asked.
"There's only rumours. But the unchanging story is he wondered out to a forest for three days and nights, by which point all manner of creatures and weirdness had gathered to his presence, and on the fourth day, he melted down the sap from the treans and poison from the toads and used it to glue feathers to his own arms, and he flew away."
"...where'd he get the feathers?" Evan asked, he looked confused, but noticed above him someone standing and the two boys raised from behind the seats to see it was Rowan.
"A dragon." Rowan answered.
"WHO'S DRIVING!?" Evan shouted.
"Oh I put a brick on the peddle." Rowan said without a shred of worry.
"WHERE'D YOU GET A BRICK!?" Micheal yelled.
"A wall."
"GO DRIVE!" Evan yelled pushing Rowan to the front of the bus.

"Where are we going anyway?" Micheal asked.
"Well now you've offered." Rowan started, "You can get a canister from below and fill the tank."
"Can't you do that dude?" Micheal asked.
"I'm driving." He defended himself.
"While I'm filling the bus?" Micheal laughed in disbelief.
"Rowan just pull over." Evan said.
"I thought you wanted to get there as fast as possible?" He teased.
"Rowan... just pull over." Micheal said, and so he did.
Rowan filled the tank and Evan joined him to stretch his legs.

"I bet you miss the choir." Rowan said to a silent Evan, "Remember that time we came back from Belgium and there was that movie with the disabled guy. And we started out making fun, then by the end we were proper into it."
"I do." Evan smiled remember one of the few fun things being in the choir led to.
"Y'know mate, you had a lot of potential in he choir." Rowan said.
"Oh shut up." Evan quickly said, dropping his grin.
"No, really." Rowan added, "Me and you, we could've been where Geoffrey is now. Leading the choir, choosing the songs, we would have had a blast."
"Is that why they kicked you out? You kept singing Ed Sheeran? Didn't work out did it?" Evan said brushing it off and heading back in.

"Ey, see if you can't find any DVD's." Rowan asked the two boys as he sat back in his seat.
"What?" Micheal laughed.
"Rowan, we can't watch a DVD." Evan told.
"Yea we can, look." He said and pushed a button to lower monitors from the roof.
"I mean, it's waisting time, we gotta prepare." Evan said.
"Prepare for what?" Micheal asked, "Rowan, what's actually going on here?"
"Shhh." Rowan said, hunching down and pointing forward.
"We're here?" Evan asked looking out the front window.
"Nah. It's maccies, you guys hungry?" Rowan said with a big smile.
"Asshole!" Evan smacked Rowans head and went to the back of the bus.
"Do you think he's hungry?" Rowan asked Micheal.
"DRIVE!" Evan yelled down the bus.

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