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Jesse: You're right Caity I do miss her a lot she was my big sister, but we are always going to miss her but everyday the pain will get better so how about we enjoy your birthday and later me and you can go to the cemetery and visit your Mom and we can take her some flowers and you and I can talk to her and tell her how much we miss her. As long as we keep her memory alive then your Mom will never truly be gone (he pulls his Niece into a hug) So what do you want to do today?

Caitlyn: Could we go to the prier?

Jesse: Yes, good idea

Caitlyn: We can even find a place for a picnic, that is what I want today for us to spend the day together all of us

Jesse smiles

Jesse: Okay let's go and have breakfast

Caitlyn smiles and they both get up of the bed and they head downstairs into the kitchen where is tackled in a hug by DJ and Stephanie 

DJ: Happy Birthday

Caitlyn smiles and returns the hug

Caitlyn: Thank you DJ and Stephie 

Danny: So, have some breakfast and then you can tell us what you wanna do today

Jesse: Actually, she already told me what she wants to do

Danny: What?

Caitlyn: I want us to go to the Prier and have a picnic and we can open gifts first

Danny: Okay who wants to go first with their gifts?

Joey: I will

Joey hands Caitlyn a large gift and he pushes a box in front of her and she quickly opens it, and Caitlyn is shocked and happy, and she hugs him

Caitlyn: Joey you are awesome you got me a new keyboard and books Thank you so much

Joey laughs

Joey: You are welcome

DJ: Me next

DJ hands Caitlyn a big gift bag which Caitlyn puts on the table and opens and she is excited when she sees some new sketch pads and an artist case filled with all the arts supplies, she will need

Caitlyn: DJ this is perfect thank you

Danny: Jesse do you want to go next?

Jesse: No, I want to give her mine later

Danny: Okay (he hands Caitlyn a gift bag) This one is from Stephanie and Michelle

Caitlyn opens the bag, and she takes out a box, she opens it to reveal a beautiful charm bracelet with one charm on it and it is a wolf charm

Danny: I remembered that your fauvorite animal is a wolf

Caitlyn: Thanks guy I love it

She takes it out of the box and puts it on

Danny: And this one is from me

Danny hands another box from the gift bag she opens it, and tears form in her eyes

Caitlyn: Dad is this?

Danny: Yes, it is the necklace that you and your Mom picked out together she brought it before she died, and I got a picture of you and your Mom put in it too

Caitlyn says nothing and hugs her father tight

Caitlyn: Thank you Dad

Danny: You're welcome sweetie turn around and I will put it on you?

Caitlyn turns around and Danny takes the necklace out of the box and puts it on and does it up

Danny: There we go. So come and eat your breakfast and then you can tell us where we are going today

FULL HOUSE MY SEASON ONETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon