23 Lasting Memories

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"THIS IS... the best thing that has ever happened to you" Anne rests Mindy's hands in hers and leans her elbows on the kitchen island as I give her a questioning stare.

Mindy's next movie role has just been cancelled.

"Rejection is the bedrock of a great acting career. Until an actress has suffered, she hasn't really lived."

"Thanks, Anne" Mindy and I exchange help-seeking glances.

We truly appreciate Anne's hyperbolic wisdom but also know it should never be questioned unless you want to get into an endless discussion.

"You're welcome. And besides, auditions are like men. There's another one right around the corner" Anne wobbly sits down next to Sarah and Rihanna on the couch while Cate and I prepare the wine in the kitchen.

I'm not even sure if these two are still alive anymore because they're lying under the cuddly blanket like washcloths.

But who can blame them. Due to the nerve-wracking hike, we all feel physically dead. That's why we decided to order dinner from a Chinese restaurant.

"Alright, we can finally sit outside now. I've prepared the campfire and set up enough chairs" As Sandy enters the back door, a slight cold breeze brushes my arm. She pulls her gloves off her hands in exhaustion while Winnie bounces excitedly between her feet "Oh and thanks for your support."

Her sarcastic undertone is directed toward the three deadbeats before she rips the blanket off them, directing the previously cozy and peaceful atmosphere into a deafening fight.

No matter how much the three whine, Sandy's dominant gaze is a recipe for power.

Mindy, Cate and I have to suppress our laughter at this scene and continue walking toward the garden with the Chinese to-go boxes.

But in the same moment Helena runs into the living room opposite us. We've all been wondering why she spent so much time in the bathroom. But this question is quickly cleared up as her messy hair puts me under a deep spell causing me to stare in disbelief.

Her hair looks like a battlefield.

"Oh my god, what have you done?" Fina was just about to put on her shoes in the entryway.

"Guuurl, did you take a dive into the washing machine or what?" Rihanna is the first person to get off the couch and looks disgustedly at Helena.

Maybe Helena's hair has caused her initial tiredness to flee right along.

"My hair is an eternal mystery, never to be fully understood" Helena's forced laugh makes her act uncertain.


"You didn't know how to use my hair dryer, did you?" The corners of Sandy's mouth form a slight grin.

"Jesus Christ! Yeah, I didn't understand your modern hairdryer, so what?! Why does everything have to be so technical these days. MY hair dryer is already over 30 years old and still as good as it used to be" She blushes in embarrassment.

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