The Aliens of London

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The TARDIS materializes. Rose, Lexi and the Doctor step out. The Doctor leans against the door and folds his arms. 

ROSE: How long have we been gone? 

THE DOCTOR: About 12 hours. 

They laugh. 

ROSE: Oooh! Right, I won't be long, I'm just gonna see my mum. 

THE DOCTOR: What're you going to tell her? 

ROSE: I don't know! I've been to the year 5 billion... and only been gone, what, 12 hours? 

The Doctor gives something between a laugh and a snort. 

ROSE (CONT'D): No, I'll just tell her I've spent the night at Shareens. See you later! (Walks off, turns back). Oh, don't you disappear. 

The Doctor gives her a look to say 'as if I would' and she runs off in the direction of the flats. He settles himself against the TARDIS to wait for her and looks to Lexi.

THE DOCTOR: I have just one question.

LEXI: I figured it would come to this. You're wondering about Platform One?

THE DOCTOR: Yes. Most humans wouldn't be able to withstand that kind of heat.

LEXI: I'm not a human, but before I tell you what I am, I need you to know I wouldn't hurt anyone unnessesarily.

THE DOCTOR: Alright.

LEXI: I'm a supernatural. I am a werewolf.

THE DOCTOR: I've meet some werewolves so I know they're not all bad.

Just then Ben walks up to them.

BEN: So you two finally show up. You know you have been gone a year.


BEN: Rose has been reported as missing. You better fix this some how.

The Doctor runs off to find Rose, while Ben turns to Lexi. She tells him all of what happened in more detail. As soon as she finishes, a spacecraft narrowly misses their heads as it falls from the sky and heads for for Central London. It smashes into Big Ben, then lands with a splash in the Thames.

LEXI: Looks like trouble.

BEN: Come on.


It is complete mayhem on the streets. The Doctor and Rose arrive on the scene after Ben and Lexi. 

THE DOCTOR: It's blocked off. 

ROSE: We're miles from the centre. The scene must be grid locked. The whole of London must be closing down. 

THE DOCTOR: I know, I can't BELIEVE I'm here to see this! This is fantastic! 

LEXI: Did you know this was going to happen? 


ROSE: Do you recognize the ship? 


BEN: Do you know why it crashed? 


ROSE: Oh, I'm so glad we've got you. 

THE DOCTOR: I bet you are! This is what I travel for, Rose and Alexis! To see history happening right in front of us. 

ROSE: Well, let's go and see it! Never mind the traffic, we've got the TARDIS! 

THE DOCTOR: Better not. They've already got one spaceship in the middle of London, don't want to shove another one on top. 

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