"Yes of course." I answered.

"Is that a problem?" He asked in a stern voice.

I chuckled. "No just a little bit annoying."

I could tell Locus rolled his eyes cause he just disappeared. I turned to Felix who was right behind me. "That was rude."

"We both know its true." I said looking at the door.

"Ok you can open your door but come out slowly!" the soldiers yelled from outside.

I brought out my gun and cocked it. "No lets fuck with them for a bit, I kinda want to meet the captain." Felix said touching my gun.

I turned to him slowly. "Are you gay?"

"No. Put your weapons down except your knife and shut up and follow my lead." Felix said walking slowly towards the door when it was going down.

"Put your hands up." I put all my weapons down, except for my knife, and put my hands up following Felix.

"It's only the two of you?" One of them asked, I am pretty sure he is from Alabama or something cause his voice was extremely South.

"Yep the only two." I said standing next to Felix.

"Oh and it's a girl!" The other guy said.

I shook my head and looked at Felix. "Well fellas would you like to take us to your captain?"

One of them leaned towards the other and whispered something. "Yes sir come with us."

"Holdings stay here." Said the Alabama guy.

"Alright." Holding said staying where he was.

We started walking towards the brig and the prisoners started to yell really rude things.

I couldn't stand them. These are the bastards we are going to hire? Jesus.

When we got to the cockpit an older man was standing in front of some controls, there were computers on the sides, and the platform dipped to where the pilot is.

"Hello, what has happened to your pelican?"

"Well..." I tuned out everything, I knew Felix was going to start running his mouth about some dumbass stories.

I looked around trying to see how in the world we were going to change the subject and get to the point. That's when I heard laughter.

I snapped back and looked at them. "That's a good story lad but lets get you and this young lady back, UNSC is probably not happy for us holding you two here."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well haven't you heard of people high jacking ships? Like what would you guys do if that happened?" Felix said finally getting to the point.

I smirked watching the captain laughing. "Ha! No one would dare going on here."

Everyone laughed except for the Alabama guy. "I think it's alien zombies."

"Oh my god Jeff!" said a guy leaning on his chair.

"What?! It true!" Jeff yelled at him.

"Guy break it down," Felix looked back and forth at those guy than looked at the captain. "But I am serious if we did I would just let them have it." He chuckled out.

I smirk. Bad choice of words dude. Everyone was laughing but Felix and I, I looked over at him, and he gave a slight nod.

"Well I want them than." Felix said making everyone go dead silent.

"Whaat?" Jeff questioned.

Immediately the captain brought out his pistol and aimed it at Felix. I brought out my knife and turned to the guy in the chair than threw it.

Felix started beating up the captain and Jeff. I jogged down the steps towards the pilot who was putting it on auto, that's when he turned to me. I grabbed his collar and threw him against the other side of the room making him slam into a wall. As he slid down I lift my leg up and caught his throat and stopped him before he hit the ground.

He started grabbing my ankle and hitting it trying to make me stop choking him. I pressured my foot on more until I heard a snap. I slowly took off my foot making him slam into the ground. That's when I heard a shot gun go off. I hurriedly looked up and Felix was standing near the railing.

"Damn you like it slow don't you?" Felix said in a sexual voice.

"Ugh shut up." I said walking away from the pilot and walking up the stairs.

"Shall we go announce our offer?" Felix said looking at Locus.

"Of course." He said walking out the door.

"Sector 1 clear." said one of male the solider over the comm.

"Sector 2 clear." said a female solider over the comm.

We walked passed one of the soldiers snapping a guys neck. "Sector 3 clear."

The inmates were freaking out yelling and scream. That's when I noticed the alarm went off but it turned off once Locus grabbed the speaker.

"Shut up." He said sternly over the intercom.

"Dude let the person people speak." Felix said having his hand out.

I rolled my eyes from his comment and watched Locus hand it to him than back away. "So here we have an offer for all of you who want to fight, yes during the way you will be fight Freelancers but..."

I shook my head. Freelancers? What? I noticed Locus looked right at me than Felix. I just walked away towards the brig.

Only a couple minutes went by before they walked in the door. "You didn't get to see some of those bastards go out in space." Felix said laughing.

"What the hell do you mean Freelancers?" I asked turned to him.

Felix's shoulders went down. "Um..."

"We just found out two Freelancers started working with the Rebels." Locus said interrupting Felix.

I looked at both of them. "Fucking liars you known for a while haven't you?!"

Felix shook his head. "No no why in the hell would we lie to you? You have been with us since the beginning of this plan. Why would we lie to you now?"

I glared at him. Only if you could see my face. "This is the first damn mission I have bee..."

"That's only because you have been in training." Locus explained.

I shot my head towards him that's when I realised he was right. "Your ri..."

"Sir we have a prisoner, well he is kinda a smartass and faster thinker cause like he tied himself to the bars when we were doing the Purge." An solider said looking at Locus.

"Fast thinker." Felix said looking at Locus.

"And he said that he has something you would want." The solider said finishing.

"Bring him." Locus said right after the solider finished.

"Before he comes back who are the Freelancers?" I asked.

Felix turned. "We aren't allowed to say, Commands orders."

"But I..." the door opened I turned quickly and to my surprise it was a nightmare happening all over again.



Hey guys yes I know a lot of this was from the first episode and little bit of next will be from it too, but that's ok hehe I just needed a beginning and that's how I got a lot of my ideas from. :p

Sooo I hope you guys like it so far! There will be a lot of action and confusion in this one, including sadness of course.

So I will be updating this book every Friday! If not Saturdays! :)

Ok well Ninja out!

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