"Well, Mrs. St. Glain always tells me to never forget to say my prayers every morning." Luella admitted shyly.

"As she should." Georgia told her knowingly. "But, tell me this then you weren't sad, were you?"

"No mama. I was just asking God to bring us back Papa, so...so you won't have to get married..." Luella's lip trembled as she bit back small little tears.

"Oh, my sweet Lue." Georgia said wrapping her daughter tightly in her arms while kissing her golden-brown curls several times. She too, was biting back her own tears. "It is alright to feel this way. Your-"

Georgia stammered. She knew the truth. She knew Luella's father had never loved her. She had saw the look on his face when he found out she was a girl not a son, an heir. He never held, rocked or sung to her. He never even bothered with their daughter. The truth was so painful it could only be covered and patched with lies and comforting words. "Your father loved you very deeply, and I love you oh so much more than any man or person in the world. Did you know that?"

Luella paused and said "Yes."

"You deserve the world and so much more and I intend to give that you my darling girl. Do not fear."

Georgia words seemingly calmed the riled spirits of her uneasy child. They then went to have a small breakfast in the morning room, then she took Luella into the drawing room for a while, and they sat on the pianoforte practicing a few beginner pieces. Luella was a natural and played very gracefully even at the small age of five.

Georgia was seemingly pleased with her daughter. She knew she'd be very accomplished at a very young age with the instrument and that would make her daughter a more prosperous match for any marriage entails. Luella didn't know or understand it yet, but she would soon in time.

She, herself would be married off as well, but Georgia refused to let it be at the small young age of sixteen like she had been herself. She felt that, that was way too young an age for marriage. Girls at that age were way too bailable and succumbed easily to naivety. Thoughts of how Luella's father had treated her over those four years tormented her still and she'd be damned if she'd left her daughter in the hands of a man like that.

Harold stepped in the drawing room unanticipatedly. "My Lady, there is an unexpected visit today from Lady Quillon."

"Wherever are my aunt and Uncle, Harold?" Georgia asked him while seemingly busy. She regarded greeting callers. Most townspeople had already known of her scorned reputation and tainted marriage.

"My Lord and Lady are precisely not to be disturbed at the moment." Harold said embarrassingly. He looked almost flustered as if he had known way too much. Georgia blushed before changing the subject, she as well seemed well aware of her elderly Aunt and Uncle's daytime 'activities'.

"Quillon?" Georgia narrowed her eyes at the rumpled head butler. Then she thought for a moment before remembering something important. "You mean Lady Willoughby's daughter, Katherine? Oh, surely that's no coincidence, come Lue let us go greet her then?"

"Yes, mama." Luella said removing herself from the bench and taking her mother's hand. They downed the stairs and rounded a corner to the small parlor in the Heywood manor. Katherine was already settled down on the settee with both her hands on her lap clasped tightly together in anticipation. She appeared to be wearing some of the latest fashions with a Robe a la Anglaise which was a light pink fabric and very exquisitely made.

She usually visited her mother and father, Lord and Lady Willoughby every summer undoubtedly always without her husband, Lord Quillon, something about needing time to miss each other after only three and a half years of marriage Katherine admitted to Georgia a few summers ago. Although Katherine assured her that the state of her marriage was most agreeable at that time and she was lucky to have found her husband, Lord Quillon.

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