ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 (𝕋𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕆𝕦𝕥)

Start from the beginning

Dream Pov

"no you don't I only said that because I was mad and caught up in the moment ... I'm sorry, why would you think it would make me feel better anyway!?" I was shocked. I thought he was going to say something along the lines of "no one cares that you want to die just tell me what Sam and Quackity are doing so I can leave you to your sad little life" not this "u-um it's okay?" I said trying to sound convincing "why do you sound like you're questioning yourself?'' Tommy asked, I started to panic "um n-nothing?" "you're doing it again Dream" I didn't know what to say so i just changed the topic "um I'll start telling you the my life story now i'm ready" "okay then" Tommy said sounding like he doesn't believe me "so I used to be a normal child with a loving mom and dad I had an older brother named nightmare he was the best older brother you could think of he was protective but loving and would defend me and make sure i was safe at all causes but one day he was taking me out for a celebration it was by birthday i was turning six young i know and there was this person following us i realised but i didn't think it was important so i didn't tell nightmare I know i was stupid but i was six and i was excited for my birthday, just as we were going to go in the restaurant the stranger pulled out a gun and i told my brother because i thought someone was going to get hurt little did i know he was aiming for me, my brother told me to get behind him and i complied and hid behind him waiting for something to happen, the person who i assume was an assassin didn't see that we swapped spots so he aimed and shot. He had killed my brother I ran inside the restaurant and told a worker that someone shot my brother and that he needed help the worker immediately called 911 but they were too late, my brother had died I was alone he was my light my happiness my everything but he was gone our parents weren't the best before nightmare died but they just became worse when he died, before it was just they would go out and come back late but they would make sure we both had food but after they just either acted like I didn't exist or they would hit me it wasn't bad so I didn't tell anyone it was just like a few slaps or they would lock me in my room and not feed me for a few days the only reason they would acknowledge me is if like I got a bad mark or I got in a fight or basically if I did anything they didn't like or if I did something "bad" so I was mostly the good kid the teacher's pet or the nerd in school was where I met George and Sapnap I met Sapnap earlier on then George, oh! I forgot to tell you but Techno and Wilbur were my childhood friends I met them when I was like 2-4 I met them early on I met Sapnap when I was like 7-8 and I met George when I was 12 so I have a much better relationship with Techno and Wilbur than George and Sapnap but I also have a better relationship with Sapnap than George and I used to know you when you were really little we used to play out in the garden you used to love playing tag and hide and seek I know kiddie games but we had a twist whoever hid the longest go to dare the loser something you had no mercy for me like you dared me to kiss Wilbur when you knew that I only saw him as a brother but I still let you win because I wanted you to be happy and if that means kissing Wilbur I will anyway let's get back on track. At school, I was bullied by a boy and a girl the girls' name is Flora and the guys' name is Peter how original I know but they would often make fun of me for either being the class nerd or because I was wearing a mask hiding my face they would call me things like "nerd", "smiley freak", "mask freak", and "teacher's pet" stuff like that they would also use me as a punching bag" "so ... you were getting abused at home and school?" Tommy asked, looking for confirmation "I guess you could say that" "and you didn't tell Wilbur, Techno, Sapnap or George!?" "well I didn't think it was important"

Tommy Pov

I couldn't believe what I was hearing "so ... you were getting abused at home and school?" I asked worried and looking for confirmation "I guess you could say that" Dream said not sounding like he cared "and you didn't tell Wilbur, Techno, Sapnap or George!?" I asked curious and worriedly 'why the heck would he not tell anyone!?' "Well I didn't think it was important," he said I swore he sounded dead inside there for a moment "not important. not important! Dream you were most likely depressed you need to tell people these things so they can help you im sure any of them would love to help you as you said before you think of Wilbur as a brother or did and i'm sure he did to he would love to help you and if you were friends with the blade th-" I said getting cut off by dream "don't call him "the blade" it makes him think you don't think of him as a friend and makes him think your just using him call him Technoblade unless you've gotten close enough to call him techno" I was shocked did he just defend Technoblade "o-okay umm" "if you were friends with Technoblade than if you told him what was going on there wouldn't be a Flora or Peter left you would have told them!" I said, trying to convince him "are you trying to comfort me?" dream asked "uh uh m-maybe?" I said trying to keep up my tough act but also wanting Dream to know that I care about him "so you were ... why?" "u-um anyway can you explain what any of this has to do with Quackity and Sam" I said sort of feeling bad for cutting it short but i needed to know so first i can tell Tubbo second so if i need to i can techno to get him out even if he hurt me i can't hate him even if i act like i do i can never hate him and i don't know why but i can't, anyway I was cut out of my thoughts by dream saying "oh why do you just want to leave me do you not like my company... it's fine a lot of people do so it's fine" dream said sounding like people said to him all the time "no no! It's not like that I just don't have that much time until Sam comes and gets me and I feel like whatever you have to tell me about Quackity and Sam is more important than you telling me your past though if we had more time than I would be more than happy to listen to your past it's also getting late and I would need to leave anyway" "oh ... okay then well you know how weapons aren't allowed it here right sam takes all your weapons and tools when you come in and then you get them back when you leave right" dream asked trying to explain it in the best words "yeah" "well first Sam lets Quackity come in with his weapons" dream said just getting started "what!? We all agreed that everyone would leave their weapons in front of the cell" I said, more like yelled "yeah I know but apparently Sam and Quackity don't care about that rule anyway Quackity comes and visits me every day he's already come today but when he comes to visit me he just tortures me he tortures me for the revival book so he can revive Jschlatt" dream said while looking at the floor "what!? Schlatt's better off dead and we all know that why would Sam help Quackity!?" I yelled "I think that Quackity is threatening Sam or something like that" dream said quietly "visiting time is over Tommy come on" "okay," I said not wanting to leave but needing to deal with the problem at hand "bye dream see you soon," I said loud enough for dream to hear but quiet enough so Sam doesn't hear

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