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Note: This is my first new book in a long time, so please do comment if it is better than my previous books. Please give me a review if you have the time. Thank you. I know it was an extremely short chapter, but it is just a prologue and is the starting of the story. The future chapters will surely be a lot longer. Share and vote!

"I struck with a furious flurry of swift punches. The impact sent him flying high above the ground. I jumped up to get higher than him, and then struck down using my foot hard. I struck his stomach and blasted him into the ground, making a big impact on it and him. 

Unfortunately, he quickly regained his footing and summoned his weapon of choice, a legendary spear sacred to one of the gods. He through the spear at me at an intense speed, forcing me to leap to the side. 

He teleported to his spear and grabbed it, giving me no time to react. He jabbed the spear at my back and all I could to do was conjure a shield to protect myself. However, the impact shook the ground. I stood my ground used all of my remaining strength to use my ace-in-the-hole, my ultimate move, to try and end him.

 It was different each time depending on how power I put into it, but this time, thanks to the immense power infused into it, I managed to summon thousands of giant blades made purely of flames to strike him down. 

My eyes widened as he just simply summoned a giant tornado to sweep them away along with me. I was stuck in the eye of the storm, my own blades coming at me from everywhere. I looked down at my stomach to see his spear sticking out, the edge covered with my own blood. 

The last thing I saw was his cold, lifeless eyes staring down at me with disappointment. The world went black." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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