"This is such a mess." You walk the rest of the way in silence, checking over your shoulder every few minutes.


At some point, you pass the road sign again and know that you're close. A few minutes later, Rapunzel says, "I see it!"

A clearing with a quaint, albeit weathered, looking structure comes into view. Rapunzel excitedly gestures for you to hurry up and you quickly follow her to the door. She opens it and waves of voices leak from the threshold.

"Exactly how I remember it," Eugene comments just as Rainy says, "This place really has changed."

Ruffians and thugs cramp the room, their beefy heads turning to face your group one by one.

"Afternoon, gentlemen," Eugene says. "Your finest table, garçon." The man he spoke to ignores him.

"Riveting conversation," Eugene mumbles as he makes his way through the crowd. You and Rainpunzel hesitantly follow him. He compliments some of the men as he goes.

"Is that a new scar? It's very slimming!"

"I wish I could have a peg leg!" (that guy just growls. Eugene cringes and moves on)

"Lookin' good! Is that blood in your mustache? Rainy, look at all the blood in his mustache! Good sir, that's a lot of blood."

You mumble apologies as you maneuver through the maze of limbs and tables. You strengthen your grip on the pan. On a pillar, you spot three flyers tacked down.

Flynn Rider's wanted poster.

The twin-looking men's wanted poster.

And a missing flyer for your little sister. Mother was here.

You begin to panic. Eugene, the wanted man in a room full of stereotypically selfish people, finally makes it to the bar. He sits down next to two very large cloaked figures. The barkeep looks at Eugene funny, and you instantly know he's in trouble.

"That you?" the barkeep says, cleaning a glass and gesturing to the poster.

"F***", Eugene mutters.

"We'll be going now," you cut in.

"Rider!" one of the cloaked men barks. They remove their hoods -- they're the ones on the poster.

"They're all wanted!" someone hollers.

"What are you waiting for? There's a reward!"

Many of the ruffians rush the three criminals. The cloaked men draw two swords and they back up slowly. You look around for Rapunzel and Rainy and pull them closer to you.

"Go while they're distracted. Hide nearby. You'll know it's safe when you hear me whistle," you whisper.

"No!" Rapunzel hisses. "They could hurt you."

"They could hurt you," you counter. Rainy has a grim look on her face as she pulls Rapunzel out the door. You can't think about yourself, so you turn back to the scene unfolding in front of you.

"Where's the satchel, Rider?" the smaller one asks. You notice that he has an eyepatch.

"Gentlemen! I've been looking for you ever since we got separated," Eugene says, trying to look relaxed. The crowd of ruffians watches intently. Someone starts chanting, "fight. Fight. Fight."

"That's really not helping," Eugene says sing-songy. You step forward, desperately thinking of something to say. Eugene catches your eye and frantically gestures to his side -- where the satchel is on your body.

"Don't play games with us, Flynn," the larger one says, his red sideburns catching the light.

"What is he-" Eyepatch says, looking behind him. He sees the satchel. "She has it!"

"What are you waiting for, you idiot? Grab it!" Sideburns orders. You back up blindly, your frying pan raised. They stumble toward you, but are forced to halt when a dozen ruffians pile themselves on top of them.

"Never attack a lady!" one of them bellows. Eugene rapidly hops over and around the pile of smelly men.

"Go, go, go!" he says. You remember him saying that before the palace horses found you standing in the woods. You wish you could start things over from there.

Walking outside is like hitting a brick wall. You whistle in the light mist that has formed. A few moments later, Rainpunzel appear from behind the tavern.

"We gotta go. Now," you say frantically. For the thousandth time this week, you were terrified. You all run back the way you came, toward the kingdom.

"Where... are... we going?" Rapunzel pants next to you.

"The palace!" Reina manages. "We need the king and queen's help. It's our only choice."

"But they'll arrest Eugene!" you yell over the now tormenting rainfall.

"Not if I return the crown!" Eugene shouts. "The king and queen are very gracious people! If something stolen is returned within a week, they drop the charges! That is, unless it's alive!"

"You'd be willing to do that?" you call.

"I don't really have a choice at this point!"

You hear Rapunzel laugh hysterically. "Rainy, it's raining!"

You don't look over your shoulder.

Antigravity             (Flynn Rider x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now