Start from the beginning

Please love you know i can't walk back to upstairs again, otherwise i will get even more tired than  already am, please let's go i will wear your jacket..!(short hair male replied..

Only because of your health..!(handsome man replied..


Hey beautiful what do you want to order..?(waiter asked in flirty way to short hair mail..

Wheelchair...!(handsome mumbled controlling his anger..

Please bring 2 espresso for us..!(short hair male replied with formal smile..

Anything for you beautiful..!(waiter said and went back inside ..

What the fuck love, can't that fucker see you are with me,i am telling you if he won't stop here, I will broke his nose...!(handsome man replied..

Calm down let him be,my eye's are always on you...!(short hair male replied winking..

After 5 minutes that waiter came back with espresso..

Here is your espresso gorgeous ,and also my number under the cup,feel free t.!(but before he complete his sentence someone punched on his nose breaking it..

Ahhhhj..!(he cried in pain..

Serves you right fucker , can't you see his ring finger ,he is already married,his husband is sitting here and you are flirting with him...!(handsome spoke angrily..

Calm down love calm down, leave him and let's go from here...!( Short hair male tried to calm Handsome one..


( Back to Present)..

You loved me soo much, you were so possesive over me, but look at you now, you don't even talk to me why?? When i cried you were the first one to wipe my tears, whenever i got hurt you are the first one to heal them, whenever i got upset you were the first one to make me laugh but..


Why would you do that,look how lonely i am ,look how lonely "jungtae" is,why did you broke your promise,why are you not by my side now,why why why??

That beautiful male cried his heart' out infront of his Lover,when someone call him..

M a ma...!( A 3 year's old boy said....

Ye s yes Jungii..!(beautiful man replied wiping his tear's hurriedly..

Mama ale u don tawking to dada..?!(he asked in his kids like voice

Yes jungii , come say hi to dada..!(beautiful man said..

Hi dada..!(jungtae greeted his dad who was infront of him..

!(jungtae greeted his dad who was infront of him

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Mama bt dada bont leply chu me..!(jungtae said pouting making "Taehyung"burst into tears while hugging his 3 year's old son..

Why koo it should be me not you ,why would you sacrificed your life for me , now look I can't even come back to you i had our jungtae with me, why koo why.??(taehyung thought crying..


( Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung were college lover,they loved eachother so dearly, after completing there college they decided to get married...

They both were world perfect couple but every perfect things isn't very perfect,in there happy life taehyung's health was big sorrows, taehyung was heart patient since he born,and jungkook was aware of it but he still kept loving taehyung..

Taehyung was so weak he easily get tired,but jungkook take care of him in every aspect ,even after doctor told him if taehyung didn't went through a heart transplantation he won't survive, jungkook kept his belief strong that his lover will live a long life..

Taehyung loved children dearly and jungkook was well aware of it,but due to taehyung's health they always took precautions while having sex..

But unfortunately one night the precautions which jungkook wear got broked,and taehyung got pregnant..

Taehyung was 8th month pregnant when he started to feel even more weak, doctor's warned jungkook if taehyung didn't undergo a surgery chances are strong that taehyung as well as there unborn too wont survive..

Jungkook was devastated,he loved taehyung so much, and he knew taehyung love's kid's so much,even if taehyung somehow survived and thier unborn won't make it,still jungkook's gonna loose taehyung either way.

So he decided to donate his heart to taehyung,and he know if he won't die doctor's won't transplant his heart to taehyung,so he took very harsh and rash decision,loosing taehyung and his unborn child make his mind go unstable he love both of them to death,so he chooses death over loosing his loved one..

While writing a letter to doctor that after his death doctor have to transplant his heart into taehyung's,he jumped off from the same hospital building where Taehyung was laying unaware of his sorrounding..

Call him insane,but loving someone more than your life make you go insane, that even thought of loosing your loved ones make you crazy and that's what happened with jungkook..

When taehyung come back to his sense, doctor and his family told him everything and after listening to it he become lifeless, whole 2 year's from jungkook's death he was under mental care because he too decide to kill himself if jungkook is not with him..

It took whole 2 year's to make taehyung understand that jungkook gave up on his life, for him and his child, cause if taehyung die back than he would have taken their unborn with him and jungkook either way would have left this world, cause taehyung was Jungkook's world,and poor jungkook didn't wanted to be unfair with his unborn child who didn't even come in this world, that's why he choosed death,but taehyung has to live , for sacrifice that jungkook made,for last memory that jungkook left for him in face of "Jungtae"


Taehyung was crying his heart out while hugging his child and Jungkook's soul who was watching them with teary eyes gave answer to Taehyung's questions..



The End....


Hey Lovelies my first ever oneshot ,this oneshot is so close and dear to my heart,this is the first ever thing which i wrote on Wattpad and was saving as draft,i was waiting for correct time to post it, yesterday was my father's 3rd death anniversary I was so emotional so I decided to portray it through this.. hope you guys enjoy it..

Love Saddy 💜

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