The start of her flash backs

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Elisabet didn't knew what to do but when she saw his brothers eyes she immediately did what he told him and followed him in silence along with Alejandra her cousin, Ariana her first sister and Isabel her little sister. As they followed Andy in silence they hid behind a car and then Elisabet noticed that they were in the middle of nowhere. After we hid behind the car, Andy looked everywhere to see if anyone saw us move, we kept silence during the whole time and then my brother looked at us and said: Stay here and don't move unless u need to! I'll be right back.

I looked back at him and said: Andy what's going on!?

Andy looked at Elisabet and said: We were all kip nap by unknown men and they want to sell us for different things. I'm going to see what happened to Lily so plzzz I beg of u don't let yourself be caught. I don't want to lose my family.

Elisabet was in a huge shock after she heard what her brother said but then she looked at him and said: Be careful little brother. Don't do anything reckless and keep a low profile.

Andy looked at her with a little smile and said: I should be saying that to u big sis.

And so he went to the house to see if he could hear any type of information. A few minutes later Andy came back crying in a low tone of voice. Making all of them worried since he barely cries.

Elisabet: Andy, what's wrong??

Ariana: Why are u crying??

Alejandra: Are u drunk? Uh..I mean, are u alright??

Isabel came close to him, hugged him with her little hands, looked at him in the eye and said: Does anything hurt?

Andy cried a little bit more after hearing Isabel's voice and hug her gently. After he hug her for a few seconds he covered her hears, looked at Elisabet in the eyes and said: "They already sold Lily to some guys so she could be there toy".

Everyone started to cry in silence after they heard those words and said: can't be...Lily!!

When they were all crying Andy grabbed Elisabet's shoulders and said: "Elisabet I need u to get u girls away to safety since I don't want to lose u girls. We need to get out of this place".

Elisabet nodded and looked everywhere to see if they could find a type of transport to get away from there and then they all noticed a school bus. She pointed at the school bus and said: There! We could hop in that bus, hide ourselves and then when we get close to the city we can sneak out of the bus.

Andy: Ok. That's what we are going to do. We need to hurry! Lets go!

After that they all headed towards the bus and Elisabet, Ariana and Alejandra where already in side. When Isabel and Andy were about to get in they heard a loud notice behind there backs. When they turned around they saw 3 tall guys. One of them had Andy unconscious in his shoulders, the other graved Isabel before she could even get in the bus and the other guy closed the door of the bus while him and the others where laughing in an evil way.

When Elisabet noticed there smiles she looked at the bus and saw women and prostitutes. Alejandra, Ariana and Elisabet immediately started to panic and they tried to break the glass to get out of the bus but couldn't. In the end the bus started to move, Elisabet and the others looked at the window while crying and screaming Andy's and Isabel's name as they got further and further apart.


???: Mom???

????: Mom are u ok??

???: Mom!!!

Elisabet: Huh?

John and Jomayra: Mom are u ok??

Elisabet: Yes, I'm fine. Anyway where here. Get your stuff and lets go inside to your aunt Ariana's place.

To be continued.................

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