𝟎𝟐. Time Machine

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WILLOW - Time Machine
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It wasn't long before he came back; a younger girl who wore a pink poofy dress with him. I assumed she probably wasn't the Bird he had spoken of earlier and the boy proceeded to tell me that their Headmistress has yet to return from her outing.

"This is Claire by the way," he added.

The little girl had blonde ringlets. She looked about five years old, so it didn't surprise me how tightly she was clinging on to the boy's arm.

"I'm Suji," I said afterward.

They both stared. Then I noticed Claire's shyness melt away as she came to grips with something.

"You're the lady," she said unexpectedly.

The statement seemed to make the boy uncomfortable because I spied all the blood rush to his face. I would have pursued the topic further if it hadn't been for the voices coming from the hallway. Our conversation was extinguished when the doors parted and a woman wearing all black appeared at the doorway. Behind her the rest of the children peered into the room until the entrance was concealed again. We watched the adult cross the room towards the window where she drew the curtains apart, permitting sunlight into the parlour.

"My apologies for being tardy," she said at last. We exchanged smiles. "My name is Miss Peregrine. Care for some tea?"

I shook my head and she went on to pour herself a cup. When she tried to dismiss the other two, the boy had the nerve to declare I was untrustworthy-though it was he who brought me into the house. Miss Peregrine scolded him, and once they were gone I followed her to the sofa where we each took a spot opposite one another.

"Well, dear, I must say, this wasn't how I'd pictured our first meeting." She looked me up and down; from my disheveled hair to my muddy trainers.

My lip twitched and I felt ashamed for having tracked mud into such a flawless home. I extracted my wand from my coat and muttered a Cleaning Charm that not only got rid of the filth from my shoes, but left the floorboards effortlessly new.

"Now, Miss Lee," Miss Peregrine went on as if witchcraft was a normal occurrence. "What brings you a thousand miles from Jeju?"

Given that she knew of my origin, I assumed she'd been expecting my arrival. I handed her the postcard that bore a photograph of her Loop entrance (the cairn), trying to remain nonplussed by her knowledge of my identity. Instead of articulating my dilemma, I merely confessed what I was feeling.

"I'm scared..."

"Well, I would be surprised if you weren't," she said, her eyes wary.

"I can't help but think - what if I could have done something?" I said. "Back there."

"Darling, you talk as if you were an ymbryne. I think you did the smartest thing by coming here as soon as you detected a problem."

"How will we know if they're okay? I couldn't get through our Loop entrance because..." I sighed, trying to shake the worst-case scenario from my head. "Maybe the Loop collapsed - I don't know."

"Only time will tell."

Miss Peregrine seemed to fear a possible danger on Jeju Island because she put her cup down to keep herself from spilling it. Her tone became business-like when she spoke again.

"I shall conduct a search first thing in the morning. Perhaps it may further our sense of the situation. Right now, it's hard to predict what has happened to your Loop but if it comes down to the worst, I'm certain that Miss Mae has led your housemates to the safety of another."

I tried to smile but felt a painful knot in the pit of my stomach. I thought of my friends and could only hope that they were at an advantage-wherever they were. My face swelled solely at the thought of Griffin, and Miss Peregrine must have seen my expression because she was speaking again.

"I don't doubt their abilities. After all, Miss Mae's wards are not just ordinary children." And she smiled, knowingly. "They've got an ymbryne of their own, so you shouldn't feel as though you are responsible for their protection."

That only made me wish I had done better on my part to be there for them.

"For the meantime, I'll be happy to make some arrangements so that I can take you in under my care," she was saying, but I could not concentrate on the offer. "If you wish to follow me - Oh, sweetheart, you mustn't cry."

I didn't want to be difficult but hiding my feelings from Miss Peregrine wasn't easy. Next thing I knew, I was in the woman's arms. Miss Peregrine didn't use her words this time. Her touch was all I needed, serving its purpose to soothe my despair.


After finalizing the course of my stay, the Headmistress and I moved towards the door where a crowd greeted us in the hallway.

"Good afternoon!" A dapper young boy stepped in front of me. "I do not know your name because I've only ever seen you in a dream. But all the same, you are not unfamiliar to me." He reached out and shook my hand, pumping it so enthusiastically that I bobbled up and down involuntarily.

"That'll do, Horace. Thank you," snapped Miss Peregrine, and that was everybody's cue to behave.

As soon as Horace dropped my hand, I stepped past the curious children and continued my pursuit up the staircase behind their Headmistress.

The second floor had simple beige walls that were lined with oak doors. We progressed into one of the bedrooms, already occupied by two more of Miss P's children that sat comfortably on the bed but immediately got to their feet upon hearing the door shut. The girl, whose hair was so blonde that it was almost white, stood facing us with a boy by her side who looked suspiciously ordinary compared to the rest of the household. I stared at them and they stared back.

"Ah, perfect. Just the two I was looking for," sighed Miss Peregrine. "This is Suji Lee. I expect that you will look after her while she's here, for she has come a long way. The rest of her wards were not as fortunate to have"-she carefully searched for the right word-"done the same."

I could tell she wanted to use a more concrete term.

"Please don't tell me those nasty Hollows are back," moaned the blonde girl.

"Unfortunately, we've no further details on the matter," Miss Peregrine replied. "But, tomorrow, I plan to start an investigation of the area in Jeju." Then she turned towards the tall, gangly boy and spoke to him directly. "I hope you don't mind the company, Jacob."

Jacob and the girl looked sideways at each other and then back at Miss Peregrine.

"No. Why would I mind?" he asked uncertainly.

"There are limited places to sleep in this house and - as this is the largest room - I thought it most suitable for two people. I'm sure you won't feel so... enclosed sharing this space with one another," Miss Peregrine went on. "Now, you can only imagine my concerns for co-ed dorming, and I do trust you both, but I am still the adult with her rules."

My ears perked up, ready for an endless list.

"So, if you wish to remain alone - as in just the pair of you - I oblige that you keep this door open. You are to retreat here only for bedtime. Though, I'm certain it won't become a problem since there are numerous parts of the house where you can spend your alone time appropriately."

It occurred to me that Miss Peregrine was utilizing the moment to scold her two teenagers, but it was I who flushed with colour. Then a few giggles issued from behind the closed door and I knew the entire household had tuned in to Miss Peregrine's diatribe.


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