33. Stomp

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First Written: 12. 08. 2021.

Edited: 01. 11. 2023.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

-later that night-

I walked down to the campfire where the Gophers are and Chris, so I stand right by Chris' side as I hold my hands behind my back. "What is she doing here?! She's on the other team!!" Heather yells out angered while pointing at me. Chris looks at me before looking back out at the group saying "she's still part co-worker. She can stay, but one of you is leaving..." I dig in his back pocket to see the piece of paper that says who got voted out. I nod saying "you've already placed your vote and made your decisions" Chris takes the paper back from me.

He crumpled it up while looking back at the group "one of you will be going home, and you can't come back... ever" a few people looked scared. "If you hear your name, come pick up a marshmallow... Owen" I say and motion him over. He threw his arms up happily as he walks over here, Chris then names a few people off too. "Gwen.. Cody..." Chris says and the two came up here happily "Trent.... Heather" I say a bit annoyed. Trent high fived Justin, but Heather was glaring at me as they both walked up to over here.

"Beth... Justin" Chris named off a few more campers "Leshawna.. Izzy!" I say happily, but notice Justin walking more towards me. My eyes widen as I take a step closer to Chris, he looks at me confused, but Justin winked at me. That's all Chris needed to see as he says "hey, move it right along before I disqualify you, dude." Justin grabbed his marshmallow as he stands by the group "Lindsay" Chris says while trying to keep his calm. Noah is looking so smug as Lindsay walks up and Weeza is looking down a bit scared.

'Like we'd break up siblings so soon, child - you at least tried, even if you were scared... plus, Heather probably made it so you'd stay. You kinda outplayed me earlier and used my kindness against me, I won't forget that.' "The final marshmallow goes to..." Chris and I trail off, we let that go for a few seconds before I say "Weeza." She smiles big and stands up "are you kidding me?!?" "Yes!!" Weeza says happily as she grabs the marshmallow. Then she ate it right at that second before sighing softly and stood by Trent, but Noah wasn't happy.

He stood up with his hands to his hips "alright, see if I care - good luck, because.. you just voted out the only one with any brains on this team." I didn't pay attention to who, but five of the people on this team just threw their marshmallow at him. Of course he didn't dodge, but Leshawna dusts her hands a bit while glaring at him. "You need to learn a little thing called 'respect', turkey!" Leshawna says before pointing at him. Their team started to cheer a little to agree with what she said, so I chuckle saying "man, Leshawna might be my favorite."

Noah walks away with a bored expression on his face saying "whatever, I'm out of here" so I start laughing at how stupid he sounded. Honestly though I didn't care about anything else that needed to be filmed, I just wanted sleep. Walking back to my cabin I had a bit of a smile on my face until someone grabbed my wrist. My eyes widen as I look back to see Justin right there as he's smirking "nice game earlier, cutie." I try to tear my wrist from his hold, but he had too tight of a grip which made him pull me close.

"Come on, now - don't be like that~" Justin cooed as he's looking me directly in the eye, so I stomp on his foot and book it. I'm not that far from the cabins, so I made it all the way there and hid in the first Killer Bass cabin I could. "Who's there?!" Geoff asks and the light goes on, so I nervously chuckle while waving. The only one's up are- wait, nevermind literally everyone except Duncan looks like they're up. I wave softly saying "hey, guys... sorry, I ran into the wrong cabin" "wow, ya sure about that?" Harold asks smugly.

I glare at him as I pull him right out his bed by the pj shirt he has on while glaring at him "look, I ain't in the mood for this shit. I already had to run from some rapist, I don't need to deal with your bullshit smug attitude. Ya got me?" Harold nods scared, so I drop him onto the floor and just cross my arms. "Wait- rapist??" DJ asks confused, that question alone got Duncan to sit straight up as his eyes are wide. Then he went from shocked to pissed real quick, he looks at me saying "he bothered you again?!" I nod while looking down.

He got up and stands in front of me saying "did he touch you?" "Duncan-" "did he touch you?" Duncan interrupted me. Looking down at my wrist I see it's starting to bruise, so he looks at where I'm looking and he grabs my forearm gently. Duncan lifts up my arm and sees the bruise himself "he's dead!" He yells out and goes outside. "Duncan, wait!" I yell and go out after him "will he actually kill someone?!" Geoff yells out. I can hear a few people following me, so I grab Duncan's wrist saying "wait, just let me tell Chris.. I don't want you getting taken away."

Duncan looks back at me, so I look at him a bit desperate saying "please... I don't want to lose you this way" then I hug his arm. He looks at me, then looks towards the Gopher Boys cabin and sighs as he just hugs me back. "Who... keeps messing with you anyways?" DJ asks confused, so we look back at him and Geoff. 'Looks like Harold was too shaken up from me telling him off' I think a bit smugly before saying "Justin." Geoff and DJ's eyes widen as they share a shock look, but I sigh saying "let's just get some sleep now, today's been a long day."

"You said it, Missy..."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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