26. Biting

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First Written: 11. 29. 2021.

Edited: 02. 06. 2022.

Warning ⚠: there's some mature shit in this, and it's not in a good way- WE WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF- ... just, whatever y'all plan, I'm all for it.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

-the next day-

I yawn as I sit up and look around, none of the girls came back into the cabin just scared of me until I fell asleep apparently. They're all asleep right now until Sadie and Katie wake up, they see me as I'm wiping eye-boogers out. 'They still aren't scared, are they?-' they scream as they run out, so I deadpan at this and wipe my other eye. "Wow, didn't even have to say anything" I mumble as I grab some clothes and stand up. I feel so lightheaded out of being tired, but I walk towards the communal bathroom.

In there I change real quick while seeing how I look in the mirror 'I should've grabbed my hair brush' I think to myself a bit annoyed. With my hands I slowly de-tangle my hair, but I hear someone else starting to walk in. "Hey, since when did this become the girls bathroom??" I hear Justin asking which made my eyes widen. I turn to face the doorway and see him there with his arms crossed as he's smirking at me. This got me to stop getting the knots out of my hair as I lift my hands up a little in defense.

"My bad, a bit too tired to think straight apparently" I say as I start to walk out, but he didn't move at all. I raise an eyebrow at him "uh, if you let me out I can go to the girls bathroom and not bother you." He tilts my chin up a bit to look him in the eye saying "I kinda want you to bother me though." 'Wait what?-' "pfft-" I start laughing at that "oh wow, 'smooth', I gotta go" I say and try to walk around him. Justin just grabs my wrist and pulls me back, my eyes widen as I'm looking back up at him.

Justin's still smirking as he makes sure he's in-between me and the door, then he starts trying to get closer to me. I get my wrist out of his hold as I glare at him, just walking backwards to make sure he isn't too close. "You know... there's only two girls here that aren't into my charm, little (Y/n)" Justin says as he still walks. I'm still walking too- and now my back is against the wall, I look at the wall then back at him. He's in front of me again saying "and honestly... that turns me on just a bit, but you're the better one compared to Weeza."

I narrow my eyes at him saying "bite me" "oh, I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff" he teased before starting to lean in. Lowly growling I go to punch him, but he caught my hand and has my wrist in his hold again. This caught me a bit off guard as I just try to use my other hand since I don't have much. He got that one too and puts it in his other hand that's still holding my other wrist tight. I look up at my wrists as my eyes are wide, but I look back at him to see how close he is now.

Before I could scream out for help his lips are on mine in an instant, so I struggle and try to move my head so he isn't kissing me. Though he somehow kept moving his head in sync with mine as I couldn't really move all that much. I glare at him and just bite his lip hard, he grunts and moves back while licking his lip. "Did you just bite me?!" "Yes! Because I don't want to do this!!" I yell out loudly to try and gain someone's attention. Justin's lip is bleeding a bit as I start yelling out again "SOMEONE GET THIS CREEP OFF OF ME!!" I yell out.

It didn't sound like anyone was coming which made Justin smirk as he's looking at me "well, looks like you're stuck with me. I'm not complaining about it" his hand starts to go onto my hip, so I realize there's one last thing I can do. I smirk saying "oh yeah?~" He thought I was about to finally give in, but I kneed him in the crotch. He groans loudly while moving his hands to there saying "okay... good move" and he fell to his knees. "Wow, what happened in here?" Trent asks while pointing between me and Justin.

I cross my arms saying "what's it look like?" I look in the mirror real quick to see blood on my mouth, so I go to the sink and rinse it off. Groaning I say "okay, that is just gross though" "that didn't answer my question-" "well, ask 'smooth lookin' over there. Though I doubt he'll tell the truth" I say as I start walking out, I run a hand through my hair. My entire yesterday didn't help my mentality and this right here didn't help me at all either. I groan as I realize if no one came and if I didn't get him off of me... he could've raped me.

My eyes widen as I feel my eyes tear up and my arms start shaking a bit, I look down at my hands before growling loudly. I grab the sides of my head before feeling a hand on my shoulder, so I glare at them a bit. Trent didn't flinch as he says "(Y/n), what happened??" 'He didn't flinch?.. wow, that's a new one. Well, besides Duncan, but he went to juvie' I think to myself before sighing and facepalming a bit. "I woke up, changed and started to de-tangle my hair when Justin walked in, because.. ya know, I went into the wrong bathroom on accident."

Trent nods as he moves his hand and I face him as I stretch out my arms a bit saying "I was going to walk out when he wouldn't let me. Then he started walking towards me, so naturally I walked back to have my personal space. He kept coming as my back went against the wall, tried to punch him, he caught my hand. Tried to hit him with my other hand, still caught it, now had my hands pinned above my head. Started kissing me without my consent saying that I turn him on or something, and what got him to stop kissing was me biting his lip."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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