Drunken mistakes

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     "I WHAT!?" George screamed as he held the phone to his ear.

     It was eight in the morning and the remnants from last night had still not faded. The hotel room reeked positively of alcohol, and his clothes were scattered all over the room. His head was killing him and he was feeling sick until Sapnap called him to deliver the bad news.

     "You signed up for the married at first sight cast? I mean we've been through this last night. Quackity dared you to, and you just straight up emailed the director on my phone." Sapnap reminded and George raked a hand through his hair.

     "No I didn't. Stop joking Sapnap. This is not even funny." He said unhappily as he glanced around his room. There's no way right? it's probably one of Sapnap's stupid pranks again.

     "I'm not, I swear. I will send you the reply email. The director wrote back and said that they would be more than happy to cast you. I'll send it to you right now." Sapnap said as the line silenced for a moment before George's phone lit up with a notification.

     Immediately opening the forwarded email, his eyes raked through the content word by word. Eyebrows furrowing deeper every second, panic building in his chest with every word. Shit did he actually send that? Oh god.

     "Wait, this- you aren't kidding? This is real? I actually emailed the director?" He asked, head still spinning, unable to comprehend the entire situation.

     "Yeah. This is real. I'm actually surprised how quickly you managed to do it. Everyone thought it was a joke or something but you actually signed it. And when Karl tried to stop you from signing the contract, you legit ran away screaming." Sapnap said, amused.

     "Wait I signed a contract? Like- there's no way to take back everything? Can't I just email them and tell them it's a mistake or something?" He asked. His heart sank when Sapnap's 'nope' replied his question. Oh god this can't be happening.

     "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO SAPNAP!" He screamed, not caring if the people next door can hear him. Common decency is retarded when you basically ruined your entire career.

     "Chill. I mean, you have like a visa so you'll be here for a couple months anyways. Besides, you might even get a green card from this. You brought this upon yourself so you might as well look on the bright side of things." 

     Hearing that, he paused for a second. That's technically true. He did get a three month visa to come to the USA. It was suppose to be for work but if he got married for the show, the government might issue him a green card. Though that still doesn't help the fact that his youtube career is probably ruined and everyone would mock him for it for the rest of his life.

     "What about my parents? They are probably gonna kill me. I'm not joking Sapnap. And what about youtube and streaming and stuff?" George demanded as he attempted to calm himself and failing.

     "I mean, you mentioned they aren't up to date with things like that. Maybe they won't even notice." Sapnap suggested and George just sighed. He's going to keep this under wraps for as long as possible, as long as his relatives doesn't find out, the humiliation is not complete yet. The true pain comes when his aunts start teasing him about it every family reunion. 

     "So I'm just going to secretly get married for two month and immediately divorce?" He asked and Sapnap hummed a confermation. Okay, that might not be as bad as it sounds. Two months is not a terribly long time. It's not going to be that bad.

     "Three months actually. 90 days wasn't it? That's like... 12 and a half week? Basically three months." Sapnap recalled and he briefly wondered why Sapnap keeps track of things like this. Sapnap really is weird.

     "Did they say anything about the time or date or anything?" George asked and Sapnap clicked his tongue.

     "Yeah. Next week actually. The director sent me the whole shedule and stuff, no idea how they worked it out so quickly. You are going to say yes to the dress then immediately attend the wedding right after to meet your husband. Congratulations." 

     "Husband-wh-why did you say husband? That's weird." He commented and Sapnap huffed.

    "Fine partner or whatever. I'll forward the stuff he send me to you later. Do you have your guest list planned out already?" Sapnap joked and George felt the ever-present urge to smack Sapnap back to Texas.

     "Whatever. You're lucky i don't know where you live. You and Dream better be there. Im-I'm just gonna say this, everyone, all the people in the dream smp must be present for my wedding. If they don't, I'll ban them." He said and Sapnap laughed.

    "Even the ones in England?"

   "They can video call or something. Everyone in America must come irl to the wedding. Especially Dream, I don't care if he hadn't done the face reveal yet. He might as well because there's no excuse for him to not come to my wedding." He pressed on and Sapnap hummed again.

     "Sure I'll tell him. You know what, George, as one of your best friends, I'm going to this for you okay? I will personally invite everyone in the USA irl to your wedding. It's gonna be the biggest irl dream smp meet up ever and I'll invite everyone and make sure they come."

     "Yes, you do that. I trust you Sapnap. I'll let you be the bestman..."


 Yeh! Thank for reading the first chapter of Married at first sight. This book idea had been sitting on my shelf for the longest time and I have been meaning to publish it for forever. I hope you like it!

- Ghost

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