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WARNING: There is profanity in my writing and will continue to be in my writing throughout the story. I am doing my best to keep it mild and infrequent, but I find it adds a needed effect in parts of the story. 

Other trigger warnings for the story might include: capture/kidnapping, violence, PTSD, and anxiety. 

I can ASSURE you there will NEVER be: mentions of r*p*, s**cide , or self harm.


Whirring and other mechanical sounds fill the room. A blind fold lies around your eyes and your hands are tied behind your back. You don't know how you got here... where is here? Last thing you recall you had been relaxing under the shade of a tree. Things had gotten too loud again so you went into the forest near your house to try and find some quiet. And then-  and then what? What had happened in that time? Your mind feels foggy and a headache starts to form the more you try to piece it together. It was like something or someone was making you forget what happened... or rather your own mind didn't want to accept it as truth. 

You had been lying on the cold floor for what seemed like an eternity. The only thing occupying your mind was how you could have gotten here. A startled gasp leaves your lips as something scaly wraps around your arm and forcefully pulls you up. 

'The hell?!'

Instincts kick in and you attempt to pull your arm away only to be reprimanded with a harsh slap to the face. Hissing at the pain, you continue to get dragged to wherever it is you're going. Relenting, you stop struggling and allow yourself to be guided rather than dragged. 


'Left, right, strait for a while, another left...' You tried to keep track of the turns you made.


What's the point in trying to keep track of it. It's not like you have any motivation to go back to whatever room you were stuck in. Though, you imagine you might change your mind considering you have no clue where you're being led to. Like the world wanted to save you from the suspense, your captor had stopped suddenly and forced you to your knees. You could hear shuffling of several other people in the room. Your hands were un-tied from behind your back only to be chained, to what you assumed was the wall behind you, a second later. Good news though! It was only on your left wrist so you had at least some freedom of movement now. 

A moment of silence passes before the blindfold is being ripped from your eyes.  Squinting at the sudden light your eyes take their sweet time to adjust before you can see your surroundings.

'...oh boy'

You wished you had the blind fold back because now you were starting to see things. Before you stood what looked like a 8ft tall human/lizard??? The creature before you had brown scaled 'skin' like that of a lizard. Unlike a lizard it had no tail to be found. Their face was far flatter than a lizard's and would be more human-ish if it wasn't so long and skinny with some sort of frill at the top. They had two forward facing red eyes like that of a predator. Their appearance alone had sent shivers down your spine. They were wearing what looked like some type of clothing or armor. The material certainly looked like it could take a punch. 'Or give one.' You thought with slight fear.

Your brain barely has time to take this all in before you look else where and realize the several other eyes on you. So many different appearances and sizes it would take ages to describe even half of them. You do notice one thing they all have in common. Their hands. Every last one of them is chained to a wall just like you are.

Moving your eyes back to the lizard like being in front of you something in your mind seems to click into place. You had seen them before. Or at least someone like them. When...?


[you sat underneath the tree catching your breath. It had been a while since things had got this bad. Feeling a sense of calm wash over you, you looked up to the sky. It was a rather nice day actually. Not to cold, not to hot, and just a little windy to top it all off. Speaking of 'wind', that rustling is getting a little to loud for your liking. Sighing, you get up to investigate the noise. Your investigation leads you further into the forest until you stumble out into a small clearing. There were footprints on the ground but they were far to big. 'odd'. You are about to head back when you feel an arm wrap around you and hold you against their chest. Startled, you struggle to get our of their arms. This must have taken your captor off guard because they let go pretty easily. Whipping around to face them you stand frozen in shock and fear. It was a giant fucking LIZARD! Two more of these 'lizards' approach and start to converse. To your surprise  you can understand them. I mean who would have thought that giant humanoid lizards would speak English of all things. The tall skinny one starts to reprimand the much larger one who had held you captive only moments ago. You want to run but you can't. Fear has you frozen and you've yet to regain your senses. For all you know this is some weird dream. "look it's seen you, now what are we gonna do?!" the tall lizard yells at the lizard in front of me. "what's the harm?" "What's the harm??? This planet don't know about us!" "We can get rid of it." "Oh? And what about when its body is found?!" The arguing goes on like this until the third , quieter one, buts in. "We could take them with us. Use them as an extra." A moment of silence passes before the tall one responds seeming to have been thinking about the idea. "That could work... we could use it for one of the smaller fights... alright we'll take it back with us and if anybody asks it was always the plan. got it?"  The other two nod their heads and turn back to you... except you weren't there. Thankfully, after that last comment you had snapped back to your senses and managed to sneak away. You hadn't gotten far and they were quick to catch up to you. Your pushing your limits with how fast you're going. Your lungs are on fire and you can't even think about your legs right now without wanting to collapse. Heart pounding in your ears, you push forward. You hear the crunching of leaves getting closer and closer as they catch up to your slowing pace. Distracted and desperate to get away you miss place your foot and are headed for the ground. The impact is rough, but you don't have time to think about it as your pursuers catch up to you and lift you off the ground only to knock you out a second later.]


'so that's how I got here.'


End of prologue. I hope you enjoyed the start of the story. If you notice any writing/grammar mistakes feel free to point them out as I am the only one proof reading this and will probably miss some things. If you have any other suggestions for this story I am all ears (or rather eyes, I suppose). I only know what I want to do with this story up to a certain point but after that I have nothing planned.

(Started: 12/9/21)

(Published: 1/6/22)

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