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Ariana Fletcher

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Ariana Fletcher

3 days before the incident 😌

After I broke up with Aiyden I've been visiting Phineas more.

He known I can't do this plan by myself so he suggested that I find someone to help


I'm walking to Willows room to figure out a plan until I heard Sylis talking on the phone.

I'm walking to Willows room to figure out a plan until I heard Sylis talking on the phone

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Sylis Pov

"Yeah Ma I'm doing it now"

"Ight I love you bye" she said once we hanged up

Ma sent me down here so check up on Willow to make sure her hair not mess up and her lips not chapped.

Idk why she got me doing this boring ass shit like I can't stand Willow but I love her

Now I know y'all like "that don't make any sense" well lemme tell y'all how it all started

(A/N: remember y'all Sylis is Willows adoptive brother not by blood I switch it around cause originally Aiyden her adoptive brother but I changed it so Sylis to being her adoptive brother)

*back to the story*

I fell in love sexually with Willow. I mean she's not my real sister. I fell in love with her when when I was 11 years old and she was 18 this was before she was dating her "husband". I got jealous because after she went off to college after she left home she turned into a whole different person

She wasn't the person I fell in love with ... she never came home and never call but one day she came home for Christmas and introduce us to her new husband Teheir.

When I heard them words coming out her mouth I instantly got jealous

I never liked Teheir either I mean the nigga got mental problems obvious and he took my first love away from me

But now as I'm doing Willow lips I bent down and kissed her and said

"If I can't have you know one can"

"If I can't have you know one can"

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Lil Filler part 1

Written: November 8 2021
Published: November 10 2021

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