CH 2

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It was a nice warm sunny day here in Green Hill Montana. On a quiet highway there was a Young Man at the age 20 as he was sitting waiting with a car speed scanner to see if any cars were coming. So far there were no cars what's so ever and he was board out of his mind. That man is you

You: ugh...I'm so board. ( He looks left and right and aims the scanner )  come on just one car.

Time keeps passing and still no cars he eventually started to goof off with it. He even sees a small little turtle and scan's it's says 001.

You: ( joking) hey buddy... where's the fire at...he he... I thought it was funny.

You then put aside the scanner and look away. You the heard a fast whooshing noise and saw your scanner it Said 299.

You: what the?...( You looked to the left and the right and saw nothing. No cars still quiet as hell. How ever as you were checking your scanner you were not aware of someone being behind your cop car checking your scanner. You then just shrug and put it back thinking it was just a regular glitch as you closed your eyes and wanted to dose off. The you heard that same whoosh noise again and a beep one more time and saw your scanner says now 300.

You : what the?...ok what's going in here.

You then get out of your car and check to see if someone is messing with you. As you walked down the path a bit you noticed something in the Grass. It looks Like a quil from an animal. But it was a bit big. And it was glowing Blue.

You: what is this.

You then heard your watch beep as checked shift over.

You: oh yeah work's over...time for some doom eternal

You then headed back to your car and drive off.

Meanwhile back to the main road that small turtle you were making jokes about was about to be run over by a car but just before the car could hit him the turtle disappeared. Although not really. It just got picked up by a short stack blue blur Hottie. Wearing sort of slightly ruined running shoes wearing a cute red puma Tank top and cute red shorts as she Dust off the little turtle.

???: Whoa there little guy you have to be more careful. You could have been killed. Hmm...but man it must suck being you. Being slow all the time...feels kind of lonely. Well little one this is your lucky.

Several minutes later Sonia was running super fast while carrying the turtle.

Sonia: whoo...this is great isn't it little buddy. It's like a dream come true

The little turtle then fly's out of her hand but she runs back saves him

Sonia: sorry little guy... you're ok so no worry's.

Some time later again she puts the little turtle down as it was shaking a bit in fear.

Sonia: well this has been fun but it's time for us to go out separate remember you never saw me. I was never hear

She the rubs off as super fast speed...and the little turtle passed out.

She then returns back home to her secret lair in the woods and she started to goof off doing random stuff such as singing , dancing reading comic books and so forth.

Sonia: ( narrating her story) now I know what your all thinking as you read this story. I get you were all expecting to read about a little blue hedgehog trying to survive and find Barrie's and water. Well wrong I am having the time of my Life.

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