the location gets more specific. "you know it?" i ask steve when he looks down with his mouth open.

"i used to, let's go."
"standard tac team. two behind, two across, two ahead of us. if they make us, i'll engage, and you two hit the south escalator to the metro." i explain after looking at my surroundings.

"shut up and put your arms around me. laugh at something i said."

"what?" steve asks confused.

"do it." i exclaim while wrapping my arms around natasha's waist while steve's arm wraps around her shoulder, they give a fake laugh while i give a evil british one. once the men pass by they look at me confused, i just shrug.

we're going down the elevator. natasha below me, and steve behind me, leaving me in the middle. natasha quickly turns to me.

"give me your phone." she demands. i look confused but nonetheless grab my phone handing it to her. she quickly passes it to steve.

"rogers, pretend to be on a call, rumlow coming our way." he nods grabbing it pretending to talk to his 'pregnant wife who's at home'.

she looks up at me. "kiss me." she says sternly .i just shrug stepping down to her level of the escalator step. i put my hands around her waist while hers wrap around my neck pulling me down since i'm taller.

once i feel her plump lips connect to mines it feels like fireworks erupt in my stomach. we've kissed before but this one felt really good.
i'm in the drivers seat of my black truck with tinted window. i don't usually use this car so it'll be easier for them not to figure it out. natasha is in the passengers seat sleeping, while steve's in the back.

i look to my right tap her shoulder and see if she's completely knocked out. yup knocked out cold.

"steve." i whisper grabbing his attention. "is there a knife back there?"

he looks around going down to check. he comes back up with my red and black knife. "why do you need a knife for?" he asks cautiously while handing it to me.

"i'm testing something. alex take the wheel." i tell my AI. she immediately starts driving for me.

i open the knife slicing my thumb. blood oozing out of it. "y/n what are you doing?!" steve whisper shouts careful not to wake up natasha.

i stare at my bloody thumb, thoughts running inside my head. when i was with steve i didn't get hurt at all. nothing affected me. but when i'm with natasha i bleed.

i immediately grab my phone from my pocket dialing a number.

"you figured it out." his accent flows through my ears.

"figured what out huh? what the hell is happening." i ask confused and mad.

"father put them in our paths sister. i know about natasha, y/n." lucifer replies

"who." i asked with a clenched jaw.

"amenadiel." he responds.

flash back

"hello bro." i smile

"what is it you want y/n." he starts

"well i want to know why, when i'm with this redhead woman i felt pain." i raise a brow at him

"what's her name?" he asks

"natasha romanoff, but i don't know how her name is gonna help." i look at him and he makes a face of realization.

"what?" i ask

"you've been on earth too long. it's making you weak."

"right, we'll this was an unlovely chat but off you go, shoo, thanks for helping.. sort of."


"what?" i ask slightly annoyed that he hasn't left.

"nothing. it was good seeing you sister."

"hmm i would say the same but id be lying."

end of flashback.

i laugh slamming my palm on the steering wheel, waking natasha up and making steve look at me worried.

"that cheeky bastard." i chuckle humorlessly

"he's trying to make amends y/n, he said he was sorry."

"no, what i can do is rip his spine out and shove it up his a-"

"y/n!" i heard a deep voice behind me.

"oh oh! i'll call you later i'm about to actually rip his spine out!"

"wait- y/n, wha" he didn't get to finish cause i hung up on him.

"you!" i point at amenadiel. "you sent me down there for years, saying i was becoming weak when it wasn't even my fault it was yours, you did this!"

"y/n calm down." natasha says holding my arms down.

"i'm sorry, y/n, i really am, father said it was meant to happen. i was so focused on being his number one angel, but the whole time it was you and lucifer. i'm trying to change y/n."

"how do i know you're not lying." i ask skeptically.

"well, a while back father took my powers making me mortal, and now i'm having a baby." he mumbles rubbing his head.

"i'm sorry what? that's not possible." i deny unconvinced.

"it's linda's, we're naming him charlie after,"

"charlotte." i finish making him nod.

i finally look him in the eye. "fine, we're good. but you have to explain a couple things, you're still my brother after all. i couldn't stay mad after all."

"weren't you mad when we sent you to hell?"

"for a while. but then i was thinking of the fun we had in the silver city, competing against each other." he smiles.

"i'm sorry, what's happening?" natasha asks with messy hair and drool on her cheek.

i swipe my none bloody thumb to get the drool off.
"natasha, steve this is my brother amenadiel. amenadiel, this is steve and.. well i guess you  already know."

he smiles at them. "and he's your brother?" steve asks confused.

"yes, angels come in different colors, and shapes."

"well, i'll leave you to it." he says opening the door ready to fly out.

"amenadiel, call me when it's almost time for the baby to come." i say making him smile while nodding his head flying out.

"what happened just now? and what happened to your thumb." natasha asks concerned at my thumb that's bleeding slightly less.

"catching up with the family." i reply shortly.
i take the wheel back from my AI continuing the drive.


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