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Casual laughter, friendly conversation.

But you don't know my real thoughts.

I love you, but you're trouble.

I can't bring you anywhere.

I keep you in my heart, locked away with my secrets.

You'll always bring me trouble, but I don't mind.

They say to look out for myself, but how can I when I deal with someone as amazing as you?

You're trouble, and everyone knows.

You're the bane to every teacher's existence.

I love you, anyhow.

No matter what they say.

This may seem cliche.

The bad boy and the good girl making amends.

But it's real, and I never want it to end.

I never do anything to prove my love.

Some days you go over and above.

Bending backwards to get something you can't have.

Don't you know this won't work?

No matter how hard we dream.

I just want to hold you.

You want to hold me.

You have someone, is she not enough? How do I know you won't leave me too?

You're trouble, deep down you know. 

You see the way people glare.

You see how only I care.

I want to hold you close, in sweet serenity.

But alas, it can't be like that.

We both know that you're trouble, but that's alright.

I don't care anymore, I'm going to hold you tight.

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