The Very Next Day You Gave It Away.

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"So where are you gonna put your tree?" she asked.

He glanced over his shoulder. "I'll have them set it up over there by that window. What do you think?"

"Yeah, that works."

He watched her wriggle out of her jeans. "You're beginning to look more like the sleeker version of the girl I know."

She stood by the fire, several layers of clothes at her feet, dressed only in her thermal shirt and leggings. "It's all about layering," she said.

"And what's under the layering." He approached carrying two mugs of coffee, which he set on the table. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "They said the tree would be delivered around three," he said between kisses. "What would you like to do in the meantime?"

"Maybe bake some Christmas cookies?"

He nibbled her neck. "You, Madison Taylor, are one-of-a-kind."


"Look! Look!" Haley pointed. That table back there. They're leaving. Come on!"

Maddy followed her friend to the table through the buzzing cocktail bar. The Saturday evening crowd was definitely business class, comprised of Wall Streeters with thousand-dollar wardrobes and pretty young escorts wearing diamonds and silk.

"It's our lucky night," said Haley, claiming the table.

Maddy removed her coat and hung it on the back of the chair beside her, admiring the holiday decorations in the upscale cocktail lounge. "Someday I hope to be so successful that I can walk into a place like this and not be terrified to look at the prices on the menu."

"It's Christmas," Haley said, settling back into her seat. "Live a little. We deserve it."

A handsome waiter appeared wearing a broad smile. "Good evening, ladies. The gentlemen in the booth over there would like to buy you a round of drinks."

Two prosperous-looking men in suits smiled in their direction. Maddy waved and mouthed, "Thank you."

"Our specialty cocktails this evening are a spirited ginger-spiced rum punch and the Tribeca rye cooler."

"I'm suddenly in a spirited ginger-spiced rum punch mood," said Maddy.

Haley added, "I'll have the cooler."

"Very good." He faded into the crowd.

"So?" Haley asked.

Maddy sighed like a high schooler enraptured with her first crush. "Everything's been moving so fast with George."

"Fast is good," said Haley. "Most of the time. Well, except for... you know."

"I kind of get the feeling that at any moment he's going to pop the question."

"Are you ready to pop the answer?"

"Mrs. Madison Spiros. It does have a nice ring to it."

"Hey, listen. When it's wedding planning time, I'm your girl." Haley pulled her phone from her bag. "Look what I did for my cousin, Chloe."

She showed photos of a beautifully decorated wedding venue.

"Wow! You seriously did this? These centerpieces are super cute."

"Her so-called wedding planner's 'concepts' were so blah." Haley swiped to another photo. "Check out this cake stand."

"Awesome," said Maddy. "How'd you make that?"

"Sorcery. Plus, I saved Chloe a ton of money."

"So, why don't you start your own wedding planner business?"

Second ChancesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora