You're A Weird Girl

Start from the beginning

For now... Pretend to be busy! It was a simple thought but he worked it out, pretending to organize some prop clothes and scripts around, the amphitheater wasn't full, but some people were working around for a kids' show later on.

-Seño' Bruno? Flaco? Espantapajaros?- Various creative nicknames from Marulanda, noticing he was "busy" and trying to get his attention to talk with him

She kept repeating while Bruno continued walking around trying to avoid her, putting the hood in his poncho trying to get her out of view while also trying to mumble some music to drown her voice, it truly looks rude, but one can understand when the dude is anxious and is TERRIBLE at socializing or chitchat.

Eventually, Maru got frustrated with calling him several times, and resorted to the mighty "calvetazo", basically, a slap in the back of the head. It wasn't the best option to employ, but it wasn't a hard hit, just enough to make it sound and finally get his attention.

And she did get his attention, he looked at her leaving the scripts in place, he was quite shocked to be honest, traumatized? not very.

-Pero a ve' soy una pared o que 'ome?-

Bruno simply stayed in place while Maru finished her not-screamed rant, it wasn't long so she took some air and tried to calm down successfully.

-Sorry, but the chase was getting annoying...- She admitted simply, Bruno's words about her being weird just were confirmed, she truly had a similar tolerance to things like Pepa, but Marulanda didn't make hurricanes or hailing so... Two points for Marulanda?

- Oh, don't worry, it didn't hurt... Well, how can I help you?- he clapped lightly his hands and awkwardly smiled, lying and waiting she came here for something else BUT their reading.

Two little dumb liars meeting again and one being more positive than the other, this was truly a recipe for chaos

-It's about the past reading! I took some notes about the possibilities and wanted to discuss them with you, Flaco!-

"Putamadre I knew it"

-Oh... Great-

-Hope I'm not seeking you at a bad moment, I just finished some work, and your sister Julieta told me you were probably around here. Also, she says hi- Either she was a great liar and manipulator, or she simply had a very changing personality... It's probably the latter option, isn't it?

With so many prophecies... Anyone tends to see and assume the worst first

-That's okay, thanks; let's talk around there, there are so many people around here- He signaled towards an empty zone in the seatings, Maru simply nodded and both headed that way and sat down, one more nervous than the other.

Marulanda took out of her morral some paper pages filled with words and drawings about the vision, even if she told herself that she didn't want to think about the visions it was impossible, there must be a way to change the fate or maybe see more than what's written on stone... Or an emerald plank in this case

-So, I may have taken some notes and ideas...- She passed some of the notes to him, letting him check them and make his assumptions.

-That's good, they look nice- he just began reading, some options were dumber than others but with fate, one never knows; they were all drawn and some options of timeline were written, did she truly dedicate time in this? One of the options even was "I'm dead but they made a copy of me and that copy will live all of that", that made him snicker at how impossible it was and Maru joined along for the laugh, noticing what option he read.

-Yeah sorry, some ideas are dumb, I go very creative at points that's unreal- She chuckled with an embarrassed countenance, parting one deadlock away from her face

-Yes they are- He confessed without realizing, covering his mouth again and before he could mutter an apology

-Do not dare to say sorry-


-You're right, I can even admit it, don't say sorry- Maru was truly smiling, simply taking the notes back and putting them back in her bag, most of them were equally ridiculous or maybe worse, but some could be likely... Okay maybe not.

- ... - Keeping silence was the best option, so he kept pulling his poncho's threads while keeping the hood on

-Now, be honest, how truly bad do you think this future is? Don't sugarcoat it please- Harsh truths are needed to be ready for the future, the visions already seem bad and they could be worse... Marulanda had to mentally prepare herself for whatever comes her way

- Well... - He pulled his hood more so it could cover his face; her future seemed terrible already, and God it could get worse.

-Please Flaco-

-Don't call me Flaco, we barely know each other- If he was harsh with some truths she may go away, but quite the opposite happened, Marulanda simply paid more attention, silently waiting for him to tell her.

-Okay, I won't call you Flaco for now-

He sighed, "Joder que la tierra me trague", eventually letting her win and finally telling her

-Well... There are some options, but it principally shows an unstable relationship with various ups and downs and some loneliness, it may be just events from a year or two into the marriage, but it can also be long-lasting events-

- I see, well thank you!- She rose and smiled, cleaning some dust off her skirt.- That helps a lot!-

-Really? That's all?- It was unexpected that she conformed with so few answers, he got up off his seat too, in certain disbelief

-Yeah? I just wanted to reassure myself that maybe it will be an "unlucky era" of my future-

Marulanda Salazar, the girl that caused more questions than answers for the seer Bruno Madrigal.

-You're a weird girl...- Bruno mumbled, but it was expected that she would hear it.

-I know, wanna find out why?- The unexpected part was her answer, only teasing him more after just being a pain in the boy's back.

He simply looked at her, quite curious while taking his hood off.

-I'll take that as a "yes"- 

- ... -

-Let's go play Tejo and then I tell you why, and you can also ask any questions, deal?-

She extended her hand, a little daring smirk on her features.

If she was being honest... This opportunity of hanging around could do both of them more good than wrong

- ... Fine-  He reassured himself that at the time he agreed, it would be the last time he saw her so he could be at peace.

Oh boy, he's so wrong

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