Chapter 9 - I'm fucked, like comletly...

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Chapter 9
*Time skip to the next week*

Todoroki's pov
Last few days went practicly normal, well it depends what you call a normal day.
But they weren't that bad at least. I only had a confrontation and a little fight with my father.

The whole thing happened on Saturday. He got back from a bit earlier than expected. Unfortunately for me he was in a really bad mood, and what i mean is he was furious. I didn't know the cause of his anger but as always he took it out on me.
As always he found some reason to blame me for. This time it was about the mess i left in the kithen. But it wasn't like that.
I just finished eating when he got home plus sis said she's gonna clean later. I tried to explain this facts to him but that was no good.
I ended up being cut off be a slap, his second favourite treatment for me, and got yelled at a bit. That was all only because i didn't go too far in speaking back. Then it would have the same consecuenses as last week.

But it wasn't all in all thought. He then locked me in my room for the rest of the day and night, saying that if i cant eat without making a mess than i won't eat.
The time was before dinner so i had to survive the whole day just with one meal. He must have watch my room this entire time or forbid Fuyumi from feeding me. I got to admin, This wasn't his usual form of punishments.
'Someone has got ordinary, huh. '

Today is the first day of the week, again. It's 5.34 now and i'm getting ready for school. After the incedent and countless time for myself while being locked, i felt like cutting again. Two fresh cut are now on my right wrist.
Anyway i came from my room to the kithen and was greeted by Fuyumi making breakfast. But it wasn't going to be this easy. Because HE was there. Just by meeting his eyes i knew i won't get anything to eat now too. So i just gave Fuyumi a little sad smile and quicly heated the the stacion.

*Time skip to the first lesson cause im tierd and lazy af*

I arrived to school like 10 minutes before the first lesson. Midoriya was already there and as usual the second he saw me our little conversacion started and again, as usual he asked me 'bout my weekend.

Soon enough we were interupted by the ringing bell which was telling us it's time for the lesson to start. So everyone took their seat and the cirlce began...

Before i relised few hours had passed and it was lunch time now. As the others i was hungry and thought about making my way to Cafeteria. But the universe, or should i say my fellow students, had diffrent plans.

Midoriya usually eats with his friends and i don't mind that, i like eating alone.
I always wait 2 minutes or so after the bell because i don't want to walk through corridors full of people.

Today, when i finally got out of our classroom there were barely anyone outside in the corridor. I hadn't even made three steps when i walked into someone. I was about to apologise as i looked up at them. And my eyes felt like they wanted to widen. There, right in front of me stood Bakugo Katsuki, with an devilish smirk on his face.

"Look who we got here! It's an Half and Half bastard!" he said still smirking. I just glanced at him coldly.
"Come with me." i stood still. I had a bad feeling about this and no will to obey.
"Don't make me wait! Come or i will make you." he said a bit angry as he quickly took my wrists into his palms. And he squised them, really hard.
'Shit... I forgot he remembers.'

After this i hesitantly nodded, agreeing to come with him. The smirk reappeared on his facade. He stepped aside and showed me the way. I started walking, he was close behind me.

Couple minutes of walking passed and we were now at the back of the school. It was a area behind the sports hall so nobody really came there.
But this time i saw someone. Two figure where sitting on a bench.
'Maybe they will help me...' 
oh how wrong i was. The second they saw us, they shared greetings with Bakugo and now all three turned in my direction. I didn't know these guys, but the sure weren't the first years. Maybe they're in one of the second classes. It didn't really matter, cause three faces with devil like smirks were now looking at me.

No ones pov
The boys cornered Todoroki. His back hitted wall behind him. There was no escape route for the half toned boy.
They all stayed like that in silence for a while. Then of of the older boys spoke.
"Well Bakugo, what did 'ya wanted to show us?" he asked a bit niecierpliwie.
"Ye, let's get to the point." the other said.

"You're right. As you already know this loser here is none other than Todoroki Shoto. The little bastard who always look down on others. So said emocionless and cold person." Bakugo started. Todoroki stood silent, taking blonde's words without saying anything. And as the boy before him said, Shoto wore no emocions on his face. The only noticible thing was his cold gaze.

But Bakugo continued.
" To my surprise, i found out recently that he acually has emocions. And that inside he is just fucking weak!" he laught at his own words, his friends did the same shortly after.
"Heh, maybe you wanna give us a little demonstracion, Bakugo. I would like to see him getting emocional." Again one of the boys from Bakugo's company spoked still laughing.

"Good idea." Bakugo replied making his way towards Todoroki. Said boy tried to drwa back but the wall behind him didn't let that happen.
Seeing the blond getting closer and closer, Todoroki couldn't stay silent anymore.
As Bakugo was about to grab him by his wrists, two toned boy stapped to the side and practicly yelled.
(if you are wondering why sometimes todoroki doesn't react when someone toughes him and sometimes he does read the a/n at the end of this chapter)

"Don't touch me!" Bakugo stopped for a moment a bit suprised. Then suddenly his expression changed. You could said he was at least angry.
"Oh standig up again?! If you don't let me show everyone here your weak side i'll have to make you!"
Todoroki was still looking at Bakugo in his cold gaze, but his hear beat's speed was incrising with every second.

Todoroki's pov again :)
We've been here for a longer while. I'm pretty sure it was few minutes past break. But they didn't seem to care.
I was losing my cool. I didn't expected to keep it that long thought. I knew this wasn't gonna end up well for me. Even thought that i was no prepared for THIS.

'I'm fucked, like comletly...'

A/n i decided to end this chapter here. Next one gonna be serious and pretty sad. And u finally gonna get some real dadzaiwa. Btw i had a speatch infront of my whole class and the teather today, i saw stressed af and i wasnt doing good but ye. Thats all for now bye bye

Also about todoroki, when someone takes him by surprise and perhaps slaps him or drags him quickly he has no reflex to react beforehand. But when he sees someone about to tough him he stops/is trying to stop them.

Word count: 1307

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