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september 1st 1991
A warm summery wind, one of the last few for this time of year, rushed across the 'king's cross' train station, stroking at the backs of the people prancing around the station hurriedly.

There was always some sort of a dull aura to the place. Business men running onto the early train in their pitch black suits. Strange people from even stranger countries running off, attempting to regulate themselves to the greyish environment which was the so called marvelous city of London.

But to some of us, today was no random, mundane day, and behind closed curtains, this certain train station was anything but dull. A family of four souls were walking across to the far side of the station.

"Children, I'm afraid your father and I won't be able to accompany you onto the train," The tall silver-haired woman started speaking. She had a professional, clear-cut voice, "You will go straight into the train, no waddling around."

The petite blonde haired girl walking next to her furrowed her brows a bit angrily, but uttered, "Yes, mom." Harmoniously with the boy alongside her, who had the same ashy blonde hair. The two parents nodded at them, "And do try not to cause trouble Alyssa, I'm certain the Slytherin house will welcome you honorably." The tall man, who's fiercely black hair contrasted harshly with the rest of the familys' said, as the little girl popped a nervous smile, "Yes dad, I promise I'll make you proud, I promise!"

the man nodded in response. "So, this is farewell. Charlie, please make sure your sister is settled in well for her first year." the boy nodded, "Of course, I will mother." she seemed in deep thought for a brief moment before bending down and kissing each of her children's cheeks in a hurry. "Good luck children. We will see you this christmas." The man merely patted both of his kids backs, as he and his wife turned on their heels and walked away.

"Ready Lissy?" The older boy smiled down at sister, who nodded rapidly, "Yep, let's go!" The two young kids, hands connected to the other's, walked without a second thought into the brick wall between the sign that read 'platfrom 9' and the other 'platform 10'. It wasn't Alyssa's first time through the barrier, the previous year she had walked with her brother to train, but it still hit her as a phenomenal experience, the way everything was so estranged and hidden to the people in the dull, busy station she was at merely a moment ago. The two quickly stroll their heavy bags on to the bright red train, the girl staring excitedly all around her, while the boy looking quite amused at his younger sister's mannerisms.

"Well, I'm gonna go find my mates, will you be alright?" She smiled, "Sure, see'ya at hogwarts Char." He waved to her as he strode off, leaving Alyssa on her own on the quest to find a cabin. Alyssa started walking down the train, hoping to catch one of her friends, or hopefully an empty stall, but after a few good minutes, she realized she'd reached the last cabins on the train.

With a hopeful sigh, she reached for the door knob of the last cabin and walked in, "Hey, any chance you've got room in here?" Two boys about her age looked at her from inside, one fiery red hair and the other nearly pitch black, "Everywhere else was full.." She tapped her hand on her leg, "Sure, come in." the red haired boy nodded to her, "Thank- Is that a.. yellow rat?"

it indeed was, a yellow rat.
however, Alyssa, Harry and Ron had no idea how much this small turn of events would affect all of their lives, forever.

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